17. It's Going Down

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-graphic gore and torture brought to you by the supreme murder couple-


Sitting down at the table used to entertain guests nearly made Jason scoff. So much for Bruce's lectures on still being a family.

But then Jason took a moment to observe the room he had only ever entered a handful of times in his past—the bat didn't like having guests in his home often.
Back when he still lived at the oversized house this room had barely been used, only three of four times a year.
Yet this room looked well-used.

His mind unhelpfully supplied him an image of the family dining room, although not a speck of dust covered the furniture—Alfred would never allow it to—it was apparent the room was no longer in use.

A large spoon came into view a second too fast for him to react, and Jason watched in quiet horror as green beans dumped onto his plate. Growing up Jason had eaten nearly everything given to him, having no food taught him not to picky. But those rules don't apply to green beans. Never to green beans.

Turning his head to face to the culprit, he fought back a smirk as the pretty criminal carefully kept her gaze forward.

He got her back as he shovelled a large scope of salad onto the demigod's plate when she wasn't looking, knowing all too well she wouldn't eat it otherwise.
The stink eye she shot him made him smirk,
Percy got him back, however, when she dropped another large spoonful of green beans onto his plate.

Under the table, he kicked her leg as he sent Bruce an all too fake smile.

They continued in silence, no one speaking as they feinted to keep to themselves. The Waynes were watching the couple and Percy was watching the Waynes and Jason..well, he was staring at Percy.
Cause what would he do? Look at his food like some scared kid? Glance at his daddy dearest like some insecure kid—and don't even get him started on his brothers.
No. Jason Todd would rather stare at the badass queen that was Percy Jackson.

"So Jason," there was an awkward twinge to Dick's tone, "what have you been up to?"

His eyes remained on Percy—who was now grinning at him—as he casually answered on a drawled tone. "Oh you know, smelling the roses, going to a coffee shop, picking up cute chicks, running away from mercenaries," he added a wink to that, "the usual."

"Jason-" a phone going off cut off Bruce's gruff voice.

Glancing down at his phone, Jason raised a brow and forced back the smile that threatened to spread across his lips. It was time to go, how sad.
"Wow, as fun as this has been—not at all—we have to go now," standing to his feet Jason blew kisses to the occupants of the room.

"Bye, dick, bye bye old man, so sorry to leave replacement, wish we could have had more time to talk about how you replaced a dead kid, but ya'know..duty calls." Just like that, Jason Todd was out the door.

Percy slowly stood from her seat, pointing towards the door with her thumb, "uh, I'm just gonna..go. Thanks for dinner it was lovely," she smiled at Alfred before turning to the three still seated. "But since I was told we hate you..well," she took a breath as a grin twisted her lips, "..fuck you." Percy finished, flipping them the bird as she jogged out of the room after Jason.


Tim stared wide-eyed at the doorway where the two had left, "What was that?"

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