9. Up In Flames

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The sun was out, the birds were chirping, it was a rare beautiful sunny day in Gotham.
Days like today seemed as though nothing could go wrong.
Of course, that is when disaster strikes.

Percy was enthusiastically getting ready for her date with Jason, putting on her CHB hoodie with a denim jacket and leggings. She was both comfortable and casual, with a final check in the mirror she was out the door.


Jason on the other hand was off to a rather sluggish start. The excitement of the night before keeping him up nearly all night and made him sleep through his alarms. When he did finally get up, he couldn't decide what to wear. Just simple casual? Make it a little fancy? He didn't want it to look like he was trying too hard, but also that he wasn't trying at all.

Finally deciding to fuck it since he was nearly running late, he threw on jeans, a shirt that passed the sniff test and his favourite leather jacket.

He headed out the door in a full sprint.


Checking her watch with a huff, Percy looked up and down the surprisingly empty streets of  West Gotham with a frown. Where was he?

Percy sighed deeply to herself, maybe Jason just wasn't that excited for the date after all. Deciding it would be best to wait inside, Percy spun around with an unpleasant huff.
However, her sudden moment set her straight into the chest of an unsuspecting bystander that was just exiting the small cafe.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!"

The man smiled down at her sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck. "I'm sorry there missy, that was my fault." He spoke in a North Jersey accent and with one look you could tell he was a criminal of some kind. From carefully groomed back hair to the tinted glasses he wore. Even the match stick between his teeth looked...criminal?

Percy simply smiled at him apologetically. "No it was my fault and I'm sorry."

"If you don't mind me asking, you seemed a little troubled." He said. "Everything alright?" Percy's smiled faded away just a bit, which didn't go unnoticed by the stranger. "You don't have to tell me, I was just—"

"No, it's okay..." She interrupted. "My...date is just a little late."

The stranger chuckled lightly, "so that's what it is." He shook his head in amusement. "Boys tend to get caught up and overthink, he'll be here soon." She couldn't see his eyes but she could tell he had winked at her and despite herself, Percy smiled. "Thanks."

Extending her hand, Percy introduced herself. "Percy Jackson."

The man took her hand and Percy got a distinct feeling she was being observed for a split second the stranger's expression was cynical, yet a moment later he was smiling easily goingly and Percy thought she just imagined it.

"Malone, Matches Malone." Letting go of her hand, Matches gestured towards the street. "Well I gotta run Percy, I wish you luck on your date, you seem like a fine young girl."

She opened her mouth to respond but a familiar voice calling out her name from behind made her glance back. Sure enough, Jason was booking it down the street, running so fast it would give Leo on caffeine a run for his money.
"I'm so sorry I'm late I—"
"Jason." He stared at her sorrowfully, making her crack a grin at his unusual sombre attitude. "It's fine."

Her words made him grin as he let out a breath in relief.
"Come on you big oaf, I need some coffee."

Letting out a chuckle, Jason grabbed her hand and guided her into the little cafe.

Daddy Issues {PercyJacksonXJasonTodd}Where stories live. Discover now