4. Hey There Good Lookin

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Percy sat back down with a jerking movement, her sea-green eyes swirling dangerously. "What do you want Octavian? Shouldn't you be in Tartarus?" Venom laced her voice as she spat out his name like the disease it is, Riptide was already held firmly in her hand, her finger hovering above the cap ready to pop it off at a moment's notice in order to send the slime-ball back where he belonged.

The legacy eyed the mystical pen in amusement, "Ah come on Perce, don't be like that!" He playfully tapped at the table. "I haven't come to fight, I'm fact I came to tell my Preator I'm still alive!"

"I'm no longer Preator."
"Ah yes I am aware, after all, how can a Greek be Preator? However, you do still hold the respect of many..." His disgusting gaze glanced down and took in her body before slowly meeting her eyes again. "And lucky for you, you still have a purpose."

"What. Do. You. Want." Percy glared furiously at him, her lips curled back in a snarl.
That only seemed to amuse Octavian more. "As I said, I'm just here to let you know I'm alive. I'll be in touch though."
With that, he stood to his feet, clearly intent on leaving, the daughter of Poseidon wouldn't have it, however.
Standing to her feet she was about to draw Riptide before she realized she couldn't, no matter how much she wanted to.
The mist could cover so much.
And this was Gotham, the territory of the bat.

Octavian must have noticed her revelation as he chuckled at her predicament before turning to carry on his way to the door.
In a smooth motion, Percy reached forward and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him close. "Next time I see you, you're fucking dead."

He shot her a toothy grin before pulling away. "I wouldn't expect anything less, Perseus."

At a later date Percy would wish that she had gone after the slime-ball, however, at the moment she knew that if she followed Octavian it would end with a sword in his stomach, and she lived in Batman's city.

The two-time saviour of Olympus stumbled into her seat, her eyes clouded in worry.
What is he planning?

Going after him would prove pointless, she couldn't kill him or otherwise maim him whilst in Gotham. She had moved to the crime-capital of the world in order to blend into the surrounding chaos, she didn't want to risk drawing the attention of the bat.
She wasn't that disparate.

Percy was so lost in thought she didn't even notice the man walking over to her until a gentle hand was placed on her shoulder, making her jerk away suddenly.
"Octavian I fucking warned you-" Percy cut off with a slight gasp as she realized it wasn't Octavian but the Red Hood-out-of-costume.

"So Octavian is that son of a bitch's name huh?"
She quirked an eyebrow, a good-natured smile hiding the pure rage from a moment ago. "You don't even know him."

"I am a good judge of character..." He paused before shaking his head. "Actually I'm not, it was a gut feeling."

Without waiting for an invite he slid back the chair beside her and took a seat.

"Never got your name."
Tapping her fingers to the table she nonchalantly leaned back in her seat, trying not to seem overly eager to learn the name of the man behind the mask."Neither did I."

"Ladies first." He motioned his hands as he spoke, his stupid smug smile still glued to his face.
"Age before beauty."
The dark-haired man only crossed his arms, a teasing look on his face."How do you know I'm older?"
"Gut feeling." Percy grinned a shit eating smile as she copied his previous statement.
"August 16th."
"Ha, August 18th, I was right."
"I'm Jason, Jason Todd."
"Percy Jackson." She felt kinda silly introducing herself to the man again, but hey he was the one that asked.
And his name was 'Jason'? Just like her cousin?
Gods things are going to get confusing.

"So who was that bastard?"
She simply shrugged. "A bastard."

'Jason' shot her a 'you know what I mean' look, the demigod only winked at him before picking up her warm mug of coffee and chugging the rest.
"Well I don't know about you, but I got places to be and people to see." Standing to her feet she shot him one last 50% fake, 50% genuine grin, before sauntering off towards the exit.

There was a slight rush of feet behind her before the antihero called out to her. "Wait Percy!"
Deciding to be the dramatic little shit she is, Percy whipped her head around and batted her eyelashes at him innocently.
Please don't ask about Octavian.

"It was, Uh, nice talking to you." He held up the napkin that Percy had written her email on. "I'll email you."
They both smirked at Jason's words, before Percy gave him a two finger salut and carried on her way to the door.


Jason watched the ravanette leave, moving back to his table only after she disappeared from view.
Quickly finishing his coffee and biscuit as he fiddled around with his phone.
Was it creepy that he had taken a picture of Percy and 'Octavian'? Maybe.
Did he care? No.

The look of pure rage and disgust on her face wiped away any feelings of guilt he would otherwise have.
If the pretty little lady wouldn't tell him who the bastard was and why she almost seemed afraid of him that was fine, but he would do a little digging for himself.

Checking the time he smirked to himself an almost predatory smirk.
This will be fun.



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