3. Hello There

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{General Kenobi}


"Well shit."
Percy was just about to head out the door after her meteoric sleep when she saw the red metallic gleam of the Red hood's helmet.
He forgot it last night. That sly bastard.

She walked over to it and tapped it lightly, the thing was sturdy she could give him that.
A helmet seemed like such a better idea for a mortal than just a mask or cowl, if you didn't have super reflexes why leave any part of your head open to attack?

Percy shook her head deciding that she had no way of contacting him anyway and if he really wanted it he could come in the same way he had last night, so she headed out the door without a second thought.

It was a meagre eight-minute walk to the coffee shop from her small apartment, and frankly, she enjoyed it.
The two-time saviour of Olympus had yet to find a full-time job and was instead stuck part-time at the local Bat burger with a bunch of college students and high school kids.
Not that she minded them, it reminded her of camp in a way, of home.

She smiled despite herself as she pushed open the door to her favourite cafe, she enjoyed how slow life was going right now, even if Aphrodite was toying with it. For once everything seemed to be in order.

The cafe itself was small, fairly empty but possessed the best coffee on the west side of Gotham. It was perfect for a demigod.

She took her time deciding what she wanted, did she just want a coffee? But a mocha sounded good...
A sudden tap on the shoulder made her jump, whipping her head around she held in a surprised gasp as her eyes meant an eerily familiar shade of toxic green.
"Hey miss, can I get your number?"

Two thoughts went through her head at his words;

He really was a sly bastard.
What am I supposed to say?


"Well shit."
Jason had gotten a good solid two of sleep that night, he was just about to head out the door when he noticed his helmet was missing from where he had messily dumped his armour on the ground.
I forgot it when I left last night.

He sighed heavily to himself, as he ran a hand through his messy hair.
He had absolutely no way to contact her until night (He would be spotted too easily in the daylight due to Gotham's many tall buildings and he didn't really want to have to explain to Bruce that he had left his helmet at some chick's place).
Deciding that she didn't seem like the irrational type Jason just shrugged to himself and headed out the door, beginning his thirdy-minute jog to his favourite coffee shop.

He smiled happily to himself as the small cafe came into view. It was secluded with minimal security cameras, the place was never overcrowded. It was perfect for an anti-hero/crime-boss.

Stepping into the place he couldn't help but happily breathe in the smell of fresh coffee. The jog was worth it.

Jason made his way to the counter in no hurry, he didn't have anything planned until noon after all.
However, when he was almost to the counter he paused in his steps.

A woman swaying back and forth off to the side caught his attention, her face was scrunched up in concentration as she contemplated on what to order, clearly not paying attention to what was happening around her.
Jason would recognize those bright green eyes anywhere.
Try as he might, Jason couldn't wipe the sly grin on his face as walked up to Percy.

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