support animals

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requested by madison_blud
tw // panic attack

desc: dom's out in public with some people and see's a fan having a panic attack. he soon notices a cat that seems to be an emotional support cat of some sort so he tries to help calm her down and get her safe

"dom! come on, hurry up!" adam called from the living room. he ran downstairs, nearly dropping his eyeliner pencil on the table. he entered the living room and grabbed his creepers from the corner.

"so we're going brunch? since fooking when do we do that?" dom asked, as adam grabbed his keys and credit card. "oh come off it mate, it's for my mate's birthday" he said. "ok, ok" dom said as he got up.

they both got in the car, adam driving, since we all know what dom would be like behind a wheel. they both played music in the car as dom screamed the lyrics of his favourite songs on his playlists.

after around 10 to 20 minutes in the car, they were at a local restaurant. most birthdays were held here as they did breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. dom and adam piled out of the car and quickly spotted the table.

they spotted it because of colson and tom, they'd been with adam's mate since the night before. they walked up to the front and colson came up. "they're with us" he said. the waitress was ok with this and let them in.

"oh happy birthday!" adam said, giving them a hug. they all sat down and then them having bucks fizz kicked in. "come on, it's my birthday!" they laughed. after a few rounds of drinks and food, dom noticed something.

there was a girl sat in the restaurant and she seemed super stressed. her leg was shaking wildly, she was biting her nails, sweat rolling down her face and tears were welling in her eyes. dom noticed she was probably having a panic attack.

he then felt something brush by his feet. he looked down and saw a cat by his feet. it had a vest which said "i am at work, support animal". he also saw a usual collar which said he belonged to a girl called madison.

"excuse me for a second" he said, getting up. he picked the cat up and went over to the table. "are you madison?" he said calmly. she nodded. "i have your cat" he said, passing the cat to her. she immediately took the cat.

she stroked the cat's hair and dom felt herself calm down. dom then noticed she had a "be fooking happy" t-shirt on. but it didn't change the situation for him. he still needed to help calm her down.

her leg was shaking a little less but not fully finished yet. he cuddled her and stroked her hair whilst she cuddled the cat. "t-thank you" she said. "i really appreciate it, thank you" she said. "no problem" dom said.

after 5 minutes or so, she was a lot calmer. "i love your shirt by the way" dom said. she looked confused and looked down before rolling her eyes. "oh for go-" she laughed. "can we get some pictures?" she asked.

"of course man" he laughed. she wiped her eyes, pulling out her phone. she took some selfies together with him before she gave him a hug. "thank you so much!" she said, wrapping his arms around him.

she left the restaurant, her cat under her arm. dom walked back over to the table and sat down with the others. "sorry about that" he said. "it's fine" most people at the party said. but adam has seen what happened.

"you're a good guy dom"

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