October 31st: Costume Sex

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Summary: Shopping for Halloween costumes gets side-tracked very quickly 

Kinks/attention: Costume sex, pegging, praise, blowjobs, hand jobs, oral, restraining, masc!dom & sub, fem!dom & sub, boyxboy sex, subspace, mild degrading, semi public teasing

Tom Pallant, Adam Warrington & Dom X reader (first foursome, hello!)

Life felt like a movie as you walked around the streets which bordered the hotel. You were in America with Dom, Adam and Tom for the Life On Mars tour, and being in America with them all during October was proving to be so much fun.

You were already going to a big Halloween party at The Roxy in a few days, but for now, you were just enjoying being in America. The two of you had wondered away from the large busy town and ended up in a small suburb.

This looked like every American town in classic teen movies. The bright autumnal leaves, the Halloween decorations all outside on the lawns. The Halloween decorations in the local stores, the stores which are solely dedicated to Halloween costumes, and much more.

It was late now, just past 10 at night, and the street lights provided a better atmosphere, and even Dom, who usually never seemed to stop talking, wasn't saying much to soak up the night.

"I swear to God, man! No place does Halloween like America!" Dom said, almost in disbelief, as you began to walk back from the suburb into the more crowded shopping centre. You weren't there yet, but the streets were slowly becoming more lined with shops.

Tom was stopping every once in a while, to take pictures, and Adam was walking with the group, pointing out things that might've been good for Tom to take pictures of. The whole dynamic of your friendship group was honestly very confusing.

You and Dom were dating, but since Dom and you were both polyamorous, you two were both pretty affectionate with Tom and Adam, which included flirtatious comments, kisses, though they were usually just cheek kisses, rarely on the lips, and cuddling.

Admittedly, you didn't really mind it. Because, it worked both ways. It'd have been worse if Dom was the only one doing it, but you did it too. Tom and Adam were both good looking guys, there wasn't any way you could deny it. They both had something special about them.

Tom always made you feel pretty. He was obviously a photographer, which was your absolute nightmare. You used to hate having pictures taken of you, you used to purposefully hide behind the camera, or want Tom to edit you out of photos.

But, he tried to help you make feel more confident. He took some more pictures of you that you felt beautiful in, they were some of the best pictures of you that you'd ever had taken of you. He never failed to show you your true beauty.

Adam was always there for a fun time, and to cheer you up after a bad day. Even when you were in the worst of moods, he could turn your day around, and he always made the atmosphere on the road, that much better.

While you were midway through walking, you originally were going to go to Spirit Halloween, but midway through you all walking, you felt yourself being pulled back. Nearly falling since you were holding Dom's hand, he suddenly stopped.

"What the fuck?!" You said, going to scold Dom, catching Adam and Tom's attention. You first looked around to see if there was someone he noticed, then you looked at him, but then your attention drew to the store he was standing in front of.

You looked up at the store name, you understood why he'd stopped. In neon red light, in a cursive font, written was

"Kinks & Treats"

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