Separation Anxiety

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Requested by yungblud-fan

Summary: Babysitter Dom comforts you when your separation anxiety causes an anxiety attack

Dom's age: 17
Y/N's age: 14

Note: I know anxiety attacks affect people differently, this is my personal experience with them, and the ways to comfort & calm me


You were dreading tonight so badly. "Mum, do I have to have a babysitter?" You asked, unimpressed.

Tonight, your mum had a work conference, which meant she had to get a babysitter for the night, since she wouldn't be back until around two or three in the morning. 

"I trust you in the house for the night, but I want to know someone's in the house if anything happens," She explained again, finishing putting on her gold necklaces in preparation for the conference.

She wanted to make a good impression since this was her chance to get a promotion, since her higher ups hadn't attended the show.

To be completely honest, you wished she didn't care if she got the promotion.

You had separation anxiety with your mum, you hated being left without her, and your anxiety always peaked when you were without her, and she was the one who calmed it.

"Can you tell me who's babysitting me at least?" You asked, upset. You sat down on the couch, your leg tapping up and down, your breath already getting heavier, dreading her leaving.

Right as she was about to tell you who, the doorbell rung out. "That'll be the babysitter, get the door will you?" She asked. You got up off the couch, walking to the front door, and opening it.

Instantly, you were happy, when you saw who was standing in the front doorway. One of your childhood friends, Dom.

He was a family friend, his mum was friends with your mum so you grew up together. He thought of you more like a younger sister more than anything else.

"Hello you," He laughed, picking you up by the waist and holding you over his shoulder. You kicked your legs back and forth, trying to get out of his grip, but with you being held so tightly by him, it was impossible.

"Thank God you're here Dom, because I need to leave," She said, as Dom put you down so he could kiss your forehead softly. "Hope it goes well," He said, holding your waist, and she smiled softly at him. 

"Well, I left some money on the coffee table for you to order something, help yourself to the fridge, I'm sure you can work out the TV,  I'll be back around 2am, make sure Y/N's in bed by 12, okay?" She explained.

Dom nodded, as she drew her attention back to you.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Y/N, goodnight," She said, taking her keys. "Night," You said, as she began to leave. But Dom could see her slight worry.

She was aware of your separation anxiety, and as much as she didn't want to leave you, knew that you couldn't be with her forever, and you needed to learn, as harsh as it sounded.

"We'll be okay, don't you worry," Dom assured, but you weren't convinced, not for a minute.

You wanted your mum, as much as you loved Dom, you didn't want to be without your mum. Especially at night. You slept better knowing she was downstairs if you needed anything.

"Goodnight," She said again, shutting the front door behind her.

Instantly, you felt on edge, you missed her so badly. Your heart was beating fast in your chest, but you tried to push it to the back of your mind, and ignore it.

"So Y/N, what do you want to eat?" Dom asked. You could immediately tell from Dom's tone that as much as he was meant to be in charge, he wanted to make it more like you two hanging out than anything else.

"Pizza sounds good," You said, shuffling your feet.

"Pizza, cheesy garlic bread, fries?" He suggested, getting out his phone. "Sounds good," You said, beginning to relax a little. 

You were pretty relaxed now, but what you were really dreading was when it was time for you to go to sleep. You didn't want to go to sleep without your mum in the house, but she'd be furious with you if you were awake past the time you were meant to go to sleep.

And she'd be mad with Dom too, which you didn't want.

Once he ordered it, he turned on the TV, and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he put on one of your joint favourite shows. Just as you were relaxing, you heard a knock at the front door, and jumped involuntarily.

"Y/N, it's okay, it's just the delivery driver," He said, grabbing the cash from the coffee table, and going to the front door.

Your attempt to laugh it off didn't work, as you knew now that Dom had seen how nervous you were. He came back in with the food, sitting down to eat.


Hours had passed, and it was the time your mum said that you needed to be in bed. "C'mon Y/N, bed, before we get in trouble," He said, patting the side of your thigh.

"No..." You said, without thinking, your voice soft.

"No? What's wrong?" He said. You were grateful for him to realise that you weren't just acting like a brat.

"I don't like sleeping without my mum in the house," You managed to say, before starting to cry, your head pressed up against your knees, holding your knees.

"Aww, Y/N, c'mere," He said, wrapping his arms around you, holding you to him. Your lip shook, as you felt your chest beginning to heave. You knew what was happening, you were having an anxiety attack.

Dom also saw how panicked and upset you were.

"Woah, okay Y/N, you're going to pass out if you don't breathe, I need you to breathe alright," He said, taking your hands and holding them. "Breathe with me, alright? Copy my breathing,"

You tried your hardest to copy his breathing, breathing in when he did, holding your breath when he did, and breathing out when he did. Once your breathing had calmed down, you were still shaking, but Dom still comforted you.

"C'mere, let me hold you," Dom said, picking you up in his arms, rocking you back and forth. You relaxed in his arms, as he rocked you back and forth in his arms.

You felt so safe in his arms, as you rest your chin on his shoulder, as he softly sung to you. You weren't sure what he was singing, but you guessed it was one of his own songs.

He'd always had a good voice, and he loved to sing, so you were always relaxed by his voice, as you grew up with it.

"C'mon, I'll carry you up to bed," He said, as he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, as he walked up the stairs to your bedroom, which in marker, your name was written on the door.

He opened the door, and laid you down in the bed, tucking the covers over you, as he kissed your forehead softly. 

"What's the song you're singing called?" You asked, pulling the covers over yourself, half asleep.

"Waiting on the weekend," He smiled, moving some stray hair out of your face. You smiled, falling fast asleep in your bed.


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