drunken hugs

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requested by Beatrizbhc

desc: you and dom go out to a club with tom, adam and colson and when dom gets drunk, he gets really soppy, emotional and almost a little baby-ish. but you can't deny it isn't really quite adorable to be honest

"I DON'T KNOW IF DOM AND YOU ARE SHAGGING IN THERE BUT HURRY UP!!" adam whined as he knocked on the door. you rolled your eyes. "It's not my fault dom's spending forever on his eyeliner" you whined, opening the door.

it showed dom sitting by the vanity where he was fixing his eyeliner, or rather perfecting it. "dom hurry up! we're not gonna drink the bar dry if we're not there!" tom piped up as you turned to dom, smiling.

"c'mon dom!" you giggled. "fine" he laughed as you both went downstairs where colson was, tom stood at the bottom of the stairs with adam with you two. "let's go!" you said as you finished pulling your heels on.

you left the house in the group and began walking down to the local club. you used to avoid that club because of fear of something happening but it was always safer as you were almost never without at least one of the group.

you got to the club and went in and the guys all being guys, dashed straight for the bar, and you not wanting to be without them, you quickly followed them to the bar. it was also probably safer by the bar regardless.

after a few rounds of drinks and shots, with adam and colson near you, you began dancing on the floor. you had to brush off a couple of guys trying to dance with you but that was basically part of the crowd.

and neither of them were particularly bad, just offered, you explained, thankfully they left instantly. after a while you felt someone's hand on your shoulder and you instantly turned around, panicked.

but thankfully when you turned around, you saw dom. you let out a sigh of relief. "hey..." dom said, clearly drunk. you giggled as dom placed his arm on your shoulder. "you're really pretty, can i dance with you?" he asked.

"i'm your girlfriend you idiot" you giggled, punching his arm softly, not enough to hurt. "SICK!!" dom said as he wrapped his arms around you. he tried slow dancing with you, which is funny considering it was club music playing.

you laughed as he kept twirling you around and giggled as he kissed your neck over and over, since he was quite drunk, his kisses were sloppy but yet gentle against your neck, collarbone and chin.

a few hours, dom somehow having a few more drinks and adam and tom on the verge of blacking out and colson dragging them both home as you were trying to get dom upstairs. "c'mon dommy!" you said.

dom pouted as he took his shoes off, laughing as he took off his shoes. adam and tom were passed out on the couch and colson had already heading upstairs to pass out, preparing for the hangover that would ensue.

"c'mon dom!" you said. "no!" he insisted. you laughed as you picked him up in your arms and began carrying dom upstairs. "no! i've got a girlfriend" he pouted as he tried getting out of your arms as he seemed a little panicked.

"i literally said, i'm your girlfriend dipshit" you said, kissing his neck softly. "are you?" he said, giving you the puppy dog eyes he always gave you. "yes dom" you said as you went into the bathroom with him in your arms.

you sat him down on the counter as you pulled out a few makeup wipes. after taking off your own makeup wipes you tried to take off his. you wiped his eyeliner off and began trying to take off his lipstick.

but dom decided that now was a good time to try give you kisses over and over. "dom stay still, i can't take your lipstick off if you won't stop moving" you said. he kept trying to kiss your neck and succeeded a few times, leaving lipstick on your neck.

you ended up holding dom's face by his cheeks so you could wipe off his lipstick, him adorably still trying to kiss you. finally his makeup was off and you helped a drunken him stumble to the bedroom.

he took off his over-shirt and and his jeans till he was in a tank top and shorts. you put him in bed and you were beginning to leave the room before he spoke up. "can you sleep here with me?" he asked.

you turned and gave him a small little grin. "dom,," you laughed. "please!" he said, giving you his pout. his pout was completely killer and you were self admittedly absolutely in love with it. "please!!" he whined again.

he lifted up his arms and reached out for you. "fine you dumbass" you said. "yes!" he said excitedly as you took off your dress and put on a t-shirt on until climbing into bed. instantly dom buried his head into your neck.

he left gentle kisses on your neck, his hair occasionally flicking against your neck and you took his hair in your hands and pulled it out of his face. "i love you so so much y/n!" dom said in such an innocent voice.

your heart melted as he kissed behind your ear, lifting his head up a little to reach from how far down he was laying. "i love you too dommy" you said, kissing his nose as he scrunched up his nose after the loss of contact.

"i just, i'm so lucky to have ya, you're so perfect" he said, kissing your neck softly. you felt your cheeks go red as dom looked up at you. "are you blushing?" dom asked as he saw you going red. you nodded at him and he grinned.

"i'm good at this" he said as he laughed to himself. "now to go bed dumbass" you said. "no sleep for me!" he said, shaking his head. you kissed his neck softly and scratched the back of his head which was his sweet spot.

he quickly fell asleep in your arms. you smiled as he slept softly, his chest rising and lowering against you as you felt yourself grow tired and you also fell asleep with dom cuddled in your arm and you laying next to him.

*time skip*

tom woke up the next morning hungover and saw your keys on the kitchen table and dom's jacket on the floor. assuming the worst, he went upstairs and saw the bedroom door was still open as he walked into the room.

you were both half awake, in the sense of you were both awake but weren't saying a word to each other as you messed with dom's hair and kissed him, he was just smiling as he was still tucked into your arm.

"well good morning lovebirds" tom said. you practically flung up as you covered your chest with the covers, you had clothes on but it was only a small crop top. dom had barely moved. "morning tom" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"why is dom's jacket on the floor?" he asked. "that was his way to get him off when he was drunk" you said as you almost hid your chest behind dom's head. "and y/n's keys?" he asked, turning to you.

"probably me trying to handle dom, you and adam" you said. "how bad were me and adam?" tom asked. "very bad" you said, very quickly. "thank fuck colson was there or i couldn't have handled all 3 of you" you said.

"3?" dom asked. "you and those two, you were bad as well" you said. "i do have some videos from last night of you that were pretty bloody funny" he said. "for god's sake" dom said as he rolled his eyes.

"can you and dom leave so i can get changed?" you asked. tom was pretty quick to excuse himself as you went and got up to get changed. "was i that bad lass?" dom asked. you laughed before responding.

"stupid but cute, how i like you"

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