Sensory Overload

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Summary: Dom helps you through sensory overload in public

X autistic reader

A/n! I am on the autistic spectrum myself, and this imagine is focused on sensory overload. Not all autistic people experience sensory overload, and it affects people differently. This is how sensory overload affects me personally, and how I'm helped with it. This isn't made to invalidate anyone's autism, or be offensive <3 

Warnings?/attention: Self injury, stimming & sensory overload

"Ready to leave, Y/N?" Dom asked, as you quickly left the bedroom, ready to go to a nearby museum.

There was a rock and roll history museum near to where you and Dom were staying in LA, and he naturally wanted to go and visit it. And, since you knew a lot about different bands and different rock and roll stars, you were happy to come with him.

"Yep, just let me get my sunglasses," You said, as you grabbed them from your bedside table. While it confused others, you had your reasons for carrying your sunglasses in your bag, even in the later months of October, November and December.

Since it, by it's function, blocked out light, it made some sensory overwhelming places more manageable, as less sight, meant less things that could overwhelm you. Dom grabbed his backpack, and you grabbed yours too, before leaving the house. 

Happily, you two got into the car, as you got into the seat next to him. "And, there you go, the directions," He said, putting the Google Maps journey up on the phone, where it was visible to you. You liked when you could feel more in control, and know where you were going.

It also made it feel less alien when you got there, if you could pinpoint where you started, how you got there, and where the place you were going to end up was. Especially in a place that wasn't home, like Los Angeles. 

As you got into the car, you put your headphones in, playing your music to block out some extra noise, but with Dom sitting next to you, and how loud he was, it was pretty easy for you to hear him. "It's gonna be so sick, man!" He laughed, as he started the car.

The two of you drove about the 25 minute drive to the museum, and as you arrived, you were excited as you stepped out. "Do you want me to get you a map of the museum?" Dom asked, and you nodded, as you started tapping your foot, excitedly stimming.

Your foot tapped up and down, over and over, which you did when you were happy stimming. Foot tapping could be a happy or negative stim, but this time it was positive. As Dom got the paper map, he passed it to you.

"What are you most excited for, baby?" You asked Dom, as you walked from the front entrance, into the main part of the museum. "I wanna see if they've got any AC/DC or Metallica stuff," Dom said, as he jumped up and down, also excitedly stimming.

Sometimes having Dom, who had ADHD, and you, autistic, it led to you two mirroring each other stims a lot. As the museum progressed, Dom was clearly having the time of his life. He was getting excited as he was seeing different historic things in rock and roll.

But, as you got further and further in, you were getting more and more uneasy. The museum was packed, and it was busy. And it was loud. The crowds were heavy, and people were talking loudly, conversations were becoming a blur.

Children squealed as they ran around the museum, and this culmination of noises, made you spiral into total sensory shutdown. Without much awareness, you started stimming, as a way to try and relive your pressure, and how upset you were.

You flapped your hands quickly up and down, and side to side, as your foot tapped against the floor. You slowly used a non stimming hand to pick at your fingers. But, none of these things were helping relieve any of the pain.

And, as you saw that Dom wasn't noticing, as he was only paying attention to you to the exhibits in the museum, which you hated. "Dom," You spoke softly into his ears, and he nodded, softly. "I need the toilet," You said, softly to him.

"Oh, of course love. One second," He said, as he began to lead you out of the main area, and down the hallway to the toilets. You walked down the hallway, and went into the toilets. As you got into the stall, you finally felt some relaxation.

But, you couldn't help it. Self injury was one of the most effective ways to let out your frustration, and you were unaware of the fact that you were doing it. You banged your fists against your chest and upper body.


Around 10 minutes had passed, and Dom had noticed how long you'd been taking in the bathroom. He had noticed you were stimming a little, and whilst he knew you did it while you were perfectly happy, you did do it when you were upset.

He slowly entered the gender neutral bathrooms, and he immediately knew what was happening from the hitting sounds that echoed through the otherwise empty bathroom, other than your crying.

"Love, what stall are you in?" He asked, as he looked to see if you could figure out. With a half sob, you managed to open the stall door, and Dom walked in, as you started self hitting again. "Y/N, no!" He ordered.

"I won't touch you if you don't want to, but if you keep hurting yourself, I will stop you," He said, in a firm but gentle tone. "Can you hold me, please?" You asked, your body shaking. Dom nodded, wrapping his arms around you, tightly.

"You're okay, Y/N. You're alright," He comforted, rubbing your back. "It's too much, Dom!" You said, as you cried into Dom's chest. "Y/N, give me a second," He said, as he went into the backpack he had, and took out your sunglasses.

You put on the sunglasses, and your headphones. You quickly put them both on, and you put your hat on over the top of it, making a lot of light and noise being blocked out, and felt more comfortable, already.

"C'mon, let's go home. Alright? I'll take care of you when you come home," He said, as he rubbed your back, gently, kissing your neck. You slowly got out of the bathroom, as Dom began to lead you back into the car.


Finally in the peace of your own home, you went into the bedroom, and immediately did everything you could to decompress. You took off your clothes, and changed into your hoodie, joggers, socks, everything you could to cover your whole body.

As you got changed, Dom pulled the curtains drawn, so it would be darker in the room, and be a lot more relaxing. As you laid yourself under the bedsheets, with some blankets over yourself, you felt relaxed for the first time ever.

"Do you feel a little better now?" He asked, and you nodded, softly. You closed your eyes, relaxing under the comforting touch, as Dom knelt down the bed next to you. "You just take a nap, and it'll feel a little better when you wake up," He comforted.

Gently giving your forehead a kiss, he left the room, closing the door behind him. You would've argued, but you were so tired that your eyes closed, and you rolled over, and fell asleep completely, while being cuddled up into the bedsheets. 


A/n! I hope you enjoyed this imagine! I understand this is a lil different but I hope you like!

Also let me know if you want a Måneskin imagine book hehe <33

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