passing out, impressions 101

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*again requested by MadisonHolnesss she's literally carrying this books ideas*

desc: you go to your favourite singers concert, yungblud. whilst at the concert, you pass out and dom immediately rushes to your aid. from the panic of meeting him, you have an anxiety attack. dom tries his best to calm you down and is not completely unsuccessful

tw for panic attack & same disclaimer as before lol

"MATE HURRY UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" your friend called loudly from the living room where they were now putting their shoes on. "wait a second!!! i'm finishing doing my makeup!" you called. you finished applying your makeup before grabbing your phone and turning off spotify, since you'd been playing tin pan boy.

you grabbed your demonia creepers (thank you dom for that fashion choice) and grabbed your keys, said goodbye to your mum before getting into the car and driving off to the concert. "holy fuck i'm excited!!" your mate basically screeched. "I KNOW!!" you said, matching their enthusiasm. you both began talking about the concert ahead.

what songs you were most excited to hear live, what you think dom would've thought about both of the outfits you both were wearing. "he'll definitely love yours, mate you're practically him, you have creepers, pink socks, gold chains, come on, he'll love it" your friend said. "oh my gosh, if he compliments my outfit, i'll actually pass away" you laughed.

"it's fine, i'll get him at your funeral" your friend laughed. "please do, i can't wait to die now" you laughed. the two of you finally arrived with 20 minutes until the concert started. you had two front row places in the mosh pit. you went to your places and immediately felt your heart pounding in your chest.

you didn't know whether it was anxiety, good nerves or bad nerves. you tried to ignore it as the intro for the concert began. you and your mate began to mosh as dom ran onstage. your heart immediately rushed in your chest as you saw him and he immediately started shouting and greeting our crowd. "oh my god, he's here!!" your friend whispered. "im freaking out,," you managed to whisper to them.

he got halfway through the 21st century liability albym when you felt the world become dizzy. you grounded yourself as you decided to not jump and mosh for the next song. dom looked over at your direction and smiled, you and your friend freaking out, not sure if it was at either of you but you didn't care regardless.

you got through the rest of the album when dom called an encore. during it, you didn't scream and argue, you took a large drink of water. "everything alright?" your friend asked, noticing how much you'd taken. "i'm fine, just a little out of breath" you laughed, brushing it off, honestly to calm yourself down. "i honestly don't blame you" they said, a smirk on their face.

the encore ended and dom began again, everyone going back to moshing. your friend was taking videos and pictures as you screamed the lyrics at the top of your lungs. "are you fooking ready?!" dom shouted as he bursted into braindead. you all moshed like the floor was on fire.

*slight time skip*

third person pov

it was almost the end of the concert. dom had just finished his final song but you felt the room spinning. everything turned into a neon and black haze. you didn't feel it but you stumbled across a little bit before falling completely unconscious on the mosh pit door. "oh fook," dom said, seeing you as you were passed out.

"adam call a fooking ambulance!" dom called. "someone bring her up here!" he shouted. with the talent taught from crowd surfing people, dom managed to get you up on stage. he bridal carried you in his arms as he heard the sirens ringing outside. he immediately ran outside as the ambulance crew sprant to your aid. "im fooking going with them!" dom said.

the ambulance crew got you onto the stretcher bed as dom sat on the chair opposite. they didn't think you were seriously injured, there was no blood or any signs of bruising so they were just taking you to the hospital to get the all clear. dom reached over for your hand and held it tight, as if he let you go an inch, you'd go.

you felt yourself go to consciousness as you felt dom holding you. the doctors immediately began talking to you and it seemed so unbelievably loud, the lights and beeping of the ambulance noises seemed too overwhelming, the bright lights, so many things that seemed too much to bear. you fell into a panic attack.

it felt like your chest was heavy and your throat was closing, air became constricted and difficult. the doctors tried to calm you down but it didn't do any good. without knowing what to do, they called a last resort. "can you try calm them down, please" the doctor asked. dom knew what they felt like, from having some of them himself.

dom held your hand tight as you sat up and cuddled you tightly, this somehow working. "deep breaths ok, deep breaths" dom said. through gasping and a few stutters, you explained that you just needed to be distracted and not to focus on the attack. dom began to sing softly. he began to sing california but like the unplugged version.

"cause i don't wanna die yet, can't afford it" dom said softly, it was barely heard. but that felt so safe. doms music had always calmed you and him singing to you, directly too you, it carried a feeling which carried a wave of calm. your breath stabilised and dom felt your heartbeat calm and not thump against his own chest. "thank you dom" you whispered.

you arrived at the hospital and you didn't let dom go. please stay"

"i'll be with you as long as you want"

*also i didn't cry at the mars mv you did 😃* also feel free to leave requests i love writing em!

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