Chapter 3

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Camillas POV

"Hey there I'm Camilla Stardust," I said in a soft voice to not scare her. "Hi I'm Pansy Parkinson" she seemed nervous "Are you good at potions?" I asked her to ease the tension and get her to relax a little. "Yeh, I would say so although Snape scares me sometimes" "Thank Merlin because I'm not the best," I said giggling a little.
After class ended and we were packing our bags "Can I get your number?" Pansy asked. "Just so i can help you with potions of corse nothing else," she said quickly after "yeh sure let me write it down for you."


"So how was potions," Giovani asked before DADA Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs have had this class together since year 1. "I saw Cam talking to Parkinson and giggling," Lily said teasing Camilla." "Yeh I saw that too" Sidney got in on the teasing. "That's lovely I think she likes Pansy more than a friend" Luna joined on the conversation "Well she did ask me for my number" "Do tell me mo-" Giovani was cut off when the new DADA teacher entered the class. That lesson was painful. Professor Moody showed us the unforgivable curses.

"That was fun," Lily said sarcastically earning laughs from the others while the group split up and went to their next classes.


After the classes had finished I went to the library to do some studying with Luna.

"I just don't understand why we need to write an essay in transfiguration" "Yeh me neither but it's not that hard" "Well I would rather be writing one in astronomy at least that's fun" "I prefer astronomy as well stars are just so lovely" "They really are Lu...they really are"

Pansys POV

Sitting in the library and studying is where I usually escape from everything. Starting a new book or doing homework really helps me escape. While studying I hear a voice...a voice that gave me butterflies whenever I heard it. Of course she was here. I overheard her conversation with Luna "I prefer astronomy as well stars are just so lovely" "They really are Lu...they really are"

I quickly got all my books and went back to my dorm hoping she won't see me. I got an idea on how to ask her to hang out.


I quickly grabbed my phone and put in Camillas number and shot her a text. Hey! Pansy here I was just wondering if you wanted to study with me at the astronomy tower? I dropped the phone too scared to look if she answered.

Camillas POV

While studying I suddenly got a text from an unknown number. "Who's that?" Luna asked me curiously. "I don't know let me check...oh it's Pansy...Pansy Parkinson" "I know who she is everyone does. Anyways what did she want?" "She wants to study with me at the Astronomy tower." "Are you going?" "Yeh, why not she seems nice." I texted her back - Hey Pansy! Sure why not what time were you thinking? After a while she texted me back. What about 8pm?

Sounds good! See you at potions tomorrow. xoxo-Cami

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