Chapter 20

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"What are you doing here?"Camilla asked Pansy after the kiss. "Can I come in first?" "Yeh...yeh, of course, follow me" Camilla lead Pansy to the dining room. "So... are you going to tell me?" She started questioning being curious as to the girl she loves who showed up at her doorstep. Pansy took a deep breath "I may have run away from home. With nothing on me." "Why would you do that?" Camilla continued questioning her being worried about how long has the girl spent outside. "I just felt that I would be happier elsewhere," Pansy took Camilla's hand in hers and looked her in the eyes," and that elsewhere is where ever you are." Pansy could see Camilla tear up so she pulled her in a hug. Camilla made Pansy some food offered her some pyjamas and Camilla once again fell asleep in Pansy's arms.

The next morning when Pansy had opened her eyes the bed next to her was empty, she got worried and sat up only to see Camilla at her desk writing at her desk. "Goodmorning darling," Pansy said her voice still a bit raspy and deeper than usual "Morning love" Camilla replied turning her head towards her girlfriend. "What are you writing?" "A letter to my parents telling them that you're here but not to worry that everything is fine," "Oh, ok" "Want breakfast?" "That would be lovely."

The girl went downstairs and made some breakfast. Got ready for the day and decided to get Pansy some new clothes and went to the market to grab some snacks. For a movie night, they were having.


Helloooo! Hope you are having a good day/night or whatever time it is for you. Don't forget to get water and some food. Also sorry for the shorter chapters lately but I still hope that you have been enjoying them. 

Don't forget to vote and do all that fun stuff and I'll hopefully talk to you soon.

<3 Esh <3 

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