Chapter 2

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Camillas POV

Entring the school never gets less magical. The large high ceiling corridors, the moving paintings, and stairs. "It never gets old dose it" Giovanni spoke almost like reading my mind.

"I think it's quite lovely"

"You think everything quite lovely don't you, Lu"

"Well someone has to be positive," Sidney said looking at Luna and gave her a little smile" or the world would be so negative "

"And you only say that because you're hopelessly in love with Luna over here," Lily said giving Sidney a little push and a smirk.

Camilla spoke up to change the topic "Sucks that we can't sit at the same table during the back to school feast"

"It's so the first years don't get confused," Giovanni said to his friends. When we reached the grate hall, Lily, Sidney, and I hugged Luna and Giovanni and went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table while they went to the Ravenclaw.

Pansys POV

Sitting in the Grate hall daydreaming not really listening to anyone talking she was still on my mind when I suddenly heard that laugh again "grate I'm starting to imagine things" I thought to myself but decided to look over to the door and check if she was there. I saw her there smiling and hugging her friends looking as beautiful as ever how can someone be so beautiful without trying to. Blaze noticed my string and elbowed me. "Hey, what was that for?"

Blaise looked at me and pointed to his mouth "Your driveling Pans."

"No, I'm not"

Blaise rolled his eyes and asked, "why don't you just go up to her and start talking to her, become friends or something."

"She would never want to be friends with me, I mean why would she?"

"Because she's a nice person and would give even Draco a chance to be her friend "

"I'll talk to her tomorrow, we probably have some classes together"

"Promise me?"


After the sorting Dumbledore said something about some kind of tournament I didn't quite listen because all I could think about was her. I probably was staring at her the whole time I would be surprised if she didn't notice. She looked so happy so carefree I wanted to sit next to her and hear her beautiful voice talk about things that make her happy.

After the meal, everyone went to their dorms to catch up some more with friends in their dorms while I went to bed and the only thing on my mind was her.


"Potions first" I check my schedule saying to Blaze "Me and Draco too" I give him a little smile "so you're going to talk to her won't you" "that's the plan. I just don't know what to say" "just go up to her and say hey I'm Pansy Parkinson and I'm completely obsessed with you would you like to hang out sometime" "I'm not saying that she will think I'm insane" suddenly a voice that gave me chills but not the good kind walked up to us.

"What are you two talking about" "Nothing just the tournament" Blaise said to Draco like he already had planned what to say when he finally joined. I gave Blaise a loving smile thanking him for not even mentioning the topic that they were just on.

We entered potions and instantly Blaze elbowed me lightly. "I didn't know we had potions with Hufflepuffs this year," Blaise said looking at me "Better than those Gryffindors" Draco snarked and went to take his usual spot when professor Snape suddenly spoke "This year we will be doing things a bit differently. I have a seating chart ready and I would like you to take a seat where I tell you to" a bunch of displeased groaning could be heard from both Hufflepuffs and Slytherins.

A bunch of students was already seated including Blaise who sat next to Sidney Whitaker a Hufflepuff boy who was close friends with Camilla. "Ms. Parkinson please take a seat next to Ms.Stardust" when our names were called I looked at her and her big beautiful green eyes were looking at me and her perfect lips giving me a small smile welcoming me to sit down.
I looked at Blaise for a moment and he sent me a wink and I rolled my eyes at him earning a smile from him.
I went to sit down next to her.

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