Chapter 9

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Dear Camilla,

If you are reading this it means I finally wrote something I'm not ashamed of. I usually hate sappy things like this but here we are. 

I'm writing this during the time I should be catching up on schoolwork so be grateful. Ok, where do I start? I just wanted to tell you everything I'm feeling and I thought writing would be easier than speaking because I'm bad at speaking about my feelings. 

Camilla, Cami sweetheart(merlin how am I awkward in text). The first time I heard your laugh I was captivated and wanted to know more about you.  So when Snape sat me down next to you I was so excited because this was like the Universe was setting us up together so I took the sign and asked for your number. 

Our "first date"  I don't really know what to call it because it wasn't technically a date but it kind of was and I was so excited to just study with you which was a first because I usually hate doing homework. Our first kiss during our first detention meant everything to me you can't even imagine. It wasn't my first kiss but it definitely was the best I have ever had(of course the next ones are just as good so don't be mad at me for saying this).

In conclusion, you are my favorite person in the entire world and I love you very much. I hope this wasn't too awkward to read or I hope it wasn't too sappy. Just know I really appreciate you.

Pansy (Pans)<3

I read the letter once I came back to my dorm and was snuggled up in my bed thankful everyone was already asleep or sleeping over somewhere else. I was blushing hard I could feel the red in my cheeks.  After reading the letter it finally hit me "Did she write that she loves me" I said quietly hoping no one heard me. With that thought, I fell asleep.


It was a Saturday morning so I slept in a little.  I woke up around 10 pm still having half an hour to make it to brekfest. I threw my hair into a quick ponytail and put on sweatpants with a sports bra and some sneakers. And ran down to the great hall.

I entered the Greate hall and Gio signaled me over to the Rewencla desk where he was sitting with some other Rewenclaws

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I entered the Greate hall and Gio signaled me over to the Rewencla desk where he was sitting with some other Rewenclaws. I went over to sit down not seeing Pansy anywhere thinking I will find her laiter. "So how did it go?" 

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