Chapter 17

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The girls kept writing letters to each other. Every four days turned to a week turned two weeks turned to non at all. The school year was coming to an end. OWL's are coming up and Camilla lost contact with Pansy. The girl she once loved had become a stranger. She actually moved on. Life was great Camilla was ready for a fun summer with friends. She was turning sixteen. Camilla was ready to party and hook up at parties. In her head, she and Pansy weren't a thing anymore, I mean she didn't respond to her last letter why would they be something. I mean they hadn't talked in what seemed months now. 

Meanwhile Pansy was having an actually good time at Beauxbaton. Her grades were good, she had made new friends, and in her mind, she had contact with her girlfriend. Everything wasn't perfect but it wasn't horrible. Pansy was excited for school to end she would get to see her Hogwarts friends and most importantly her girlfriend. In her mind...

Pansy was confident she would pass her finals she was excited to return to Hogwarts next year. Of course, she would miss her friends from Beauxbaton but they could still keep in contact. She would miss Myke the most they had become best friends. Yeh Myke sometimes got a little too touchy or made some weird jokes but Pansy would tell her that it made her uncomfortable and Myke apologized. Everything was going fine. 

Back at Hogwarts.

"Can you believe it's almost summer already?" Lily put an arm around Camilla's shoulder and pulled her in a side hug. "It feels like just yesterday we were on the train coming here," Gio said putting his arm around Camilla's other shoulder. Camila giggled at her friends: "I'm guessing Luna is showing her tongue down Syd's throat?" "Yup!" Lily and Gio answered in sync. Everyone giggled and sat down under the tree they usually would. 

They were studying and talking when a girl from Rewenclaw approached. She had fiery red hair with bright green eyes and freckles all over her faces. She was very beautiful. "Hey Camilla!" the girl called her while coming over. "Hey, Rose!" Camilla responded her and the girl had become rather close. "Are you going to be at the Slytherin party that Dracos throwing?" "Yes! Are you?" "Obviously! See you there then." "Yeh," the girls hugged a little longer than regular friends do. 

"We should probably get ready for the party!" Camilla went back to her friends grabbed her suff and all of them went to the dorms to get ready.

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