Chapter 10

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"Wait she seriously said she loved you?" Gio questioned me "YES! And I want to talk to her about it. Did you see her at breakfast?" "No, and I have been here the whole morning." "By any chance do you know the Slytherin Password?" "And why would I know that." "No, but go talk to Balise he will probably let you in." "Ok. See you later." I grab a plate full of my and Pansys favorite foods and went up to Blaise. He was sweet and agreed to walk me all the way to her dorm. 

"Thanks, Blaise." "No problem," he said and left leaving me all by myself. I knocked on the door and a sleepy Pansy opened the door. Her hair a mess, yesterday's makeup but in a green silk robe. Still managing to look graceful like a princess. "What are you doing here?" Pansy asked me in a little bit of a surprise. "I didn't see you at breakfast so I decided to bring you up something so you don't starve, oh and Blaise let me in." "Well then come in." We ate breakfast chatting about everything and nothing at the same time.

"So I read the letter," I spoke up after a bit of silence. "Oh really? What did you think of it? Sorry if it was a little cheesy" she started rambling getting nervous. "I love you too Pans" "Wait you do?" "Of course I do what's there to not love about you."


The days went by and Luna and Lily and I decided to go dress shopping. We didn't go to any of the dress shops in Hogsmeade beacose a bunch of girls already went there. We decided to go dress shopping in the muggle world. We spent hours looking at dresses just to find the perfect one. We also picked up some everyday clothes because we just couldn't resist. We spent a lot of money that day.

"Everyone is going to be jealous of how good we will be looking," Lily stated that as a fact knowing what kind of dresses we bought. "Head will be turned" Luna chimed in. 

When we arrived back it was late already and we had missed dinner. Good thing we ate already.


Did I just realize chapters two days in a row? What kind of magick is this. Anyways this is a little filler chapter so it isn't too long but in the next one, the Yule Ball will be happening so see you soon. 

Thanks for almost 300 reads I still can't believe someone is reading this but thank you. I love you all

xoxo Esh

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