Chapter 4

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Camillas POV

It's already 7:30 pm "shit," I say to myself still needing to change. I quickly put on black pants and a jumper leaving my uniform shirt underneath just removing the tie.

 I quickly put on black pants and a jumper leaving my uniform shirt underneath just removing the tie

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I quickly grab my stuff and go to the astronomy tower. Pansy already there sitting on the floor looking like she's deep in thoughts. "Sorry I'm a bit late," I say trying to break the silence. "Oh...finally I was starting to think you weren't going to show up." "Why would you think that," I ask while taking a seat next to her. "I don't know" " Whel I'm here now by the way you look so good in that outfit,"  I told her and a small smile appeared on her face.

We began to study she helped me with my potions homework "Do you have that memorized?" "Yes, you should have too!" she replied to my comment with a small laugh. And I helped her with astronomy "The moon is pretty but I just don't get it how you have all the moon fazes memorized" "I have them memorized since I was five I have always liked astrology and everything like that."  After we finished all of our work it was already late but we stayed and chatted for a bit after going back to our Dorms.

Pansys POV
After classes, I hurried to my Dorm to find the perfect outfit to impress her. After about an hour I finally found the perfect outfit. I took a shower and put on my outfit

It was now almost 7 pm I said goodbye to Blaze who was sitting in the common room chatting with Draco

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It was now almost 7 pm I said goodbye to Blaze who was sitting in the common room chatting with Draco. "Where are you going dressed like that," Draco asked obviously annoyed "Dressed like what?" I asked him knowing what's going to come next "Dressed like a slut". I gave a quick smile "you are just mad I'm not interested in you and it doesn't concern you where I'm going" after saying that I exited the common room and made my way to the Astronomy tower.

It was already a little past 8 and Camilla wasn't here yet. I sunk into my thoughts thinking about every bad scenario when I heard a voice say "Sorry I'm a bit late" "Oh...finally I was starting to think you weren't going to show up." "Why would you think that" "I don't know" "Whel I'm here now by the way you look so good in that outfit." "She likes it" I throughout to myself letting a small smile creep through my lips. "She looks beautiful without even trying. How does she do that?" I thought wanting to say something but being speechless.

After we finished studying we talked for a bit I listened carefully remembering every word she said every new fact I learned. After we finished talking we walked to our dorms.

I entered the common room and Blaze was still sitting there with Malfoy. "You're finally back! So how did it go?" "She's amazing! I hope I can hang out with her more." "You probably will" "What are you two talking about?" Malfoy asked in a confused tone. "It doesn't involve you dose it," I told him and walked to my dorm. I wasn't going to let him ruin my night.

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