Chapter 13

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It was Christmas eve. Camilla was spending the Holidays in Germany with her grandparents and other relatives. While Pansy was celebrating with the Malfoys. Camilla was having an amazing time chatting with her coins about Hogwarts and what they learn there. Not all of her family was magical. Her mom's sister was a muggle married to a muggle. They spent Christmas with her family every year ever since Camilla can remember. Her family was very accepting.

Meanwhile Pansy was at the manor wishing she was with her girlfriend and would rather be spending the holidays at school than here. Her family was against any wizard that wasn't a pureblood. They also were against LGBTQ+ so if her parents would have found out that she was dating a half-blood witch they would have disowned her and being out to most of the school she was scared that Draco would out her. They didn't have the best relationship since she started dating Camilla. So the stress of being outed to her family was there. 

The next morning Camilla got woken up by her little cousin screening in her face "ITS CHRISTMAS". Camilla giggled and went downstairs to see a bunch of presents under the tree. Yes, the family was big but never had there been so may presents. "Goodmorning darling, merry Christmas" her dad welcomed her it seemed like she was the last one downstairs and everyone was already up and eating breakfast. The little ones had already eaten and were waiting for the rest to finish. "Goodmorning Cam. Sleep well?" Camilla's favourite cousin Marina asked her. She and Marina were around the same age they only had a few month difference. They were best friends and would do everything together when they meet.

Once everyone had finished eating we went to the living room to open presents. It was Camilla's turn to open them since she's one of the oldest kids she got to open them later. The first present was from Gio. He got her a gift card from his favourite clothes shop. She laughed a bit because he always complains that she needs more clothes. Luna and Sid got her some books about astrology. Lily got her a bunch of sweets and my family got her some clothes, sock and underwear. A small box was the last thing I hadn't opened yet but it had my name on it. She picked it up and started unwrapping it. A small emerald green box was in her hands and she already knew that it was from Pansy. She started smiling and open the box. "A ring," she whispered but everyone herd because it had gotten quiet and everyone was looking at each other wondering who got me this expensive ring. 

I slipt the ring on my finger and it fit perfectly. Maria sat down next to me to see the ring. Camilla had told her about Pansy. She and her parents were the only ones that knew about her. I guess now is the time to tell everyone about her.

Meanwhile Pansy had gotten nervous. Its Christmas it was supposed to be the happiest time of the year. Not with Pansy's family. There was a grand ball tonight. Not that she didn't like them it's just knowing her parents will try to set her up with every pureblood boy her age she wasn't exited at all. Wishes she could invite Camilla over but her parents don't know her and that means shes not welcome. So there she was sitting in the guest room looking out the window. "An owl?" she whispered to herself. The owl placed the package on the window sill. "For the best girlfriend, I could have ever asked for<3" A gift from Camilla. A small smile appeared on her face. She carefully opened the package to not rip the note. 

Inside the box, there was a small moon neckless. Simple but beautiful. 

She instantly put it on and hid the ox and the note so no one could find it

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She instantly put it on and hid the ox and the note so no one could find it. Her family didn't really do gifts for Christmas and Pansy was always jealous of the kid that did. Her family only got her gifts to apologise for something and for birthdays. She got dressed and hoped her parents won't notice the new necklaces her girlfriend had gotten her.

She went downstairs and the guest had started arriving. No one had noticed the new neckless which she was happy about. The ball continued and like usually her parents tied to set her up with every boy there. She had danced with everyone there at this point at least once. She was standing there with a drink (non-alcoholic) and talking with Astoria. "Did Camilla get you that neckless?" she asked Pansy. "Yes, its beautiful isn't it." "Absolutely gorgeous, but haven't your parents noticed that you have a new neckless?" "No, I think that they probably got me it when they weren't some for something and just don't remember it." Astoria chuckled to realise the tension and the girls chatted for the rest of the night.


Hi. This is a longer chapter but I had so much fun writing it. This is a little look at how different Camillas and Pansy's families are. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have an amazing day. 

Love Esh <3

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