Chapter 5

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Camillas POV

It's been a few weeks since that night at the astronomy tower and me and Pansy have become really good friends and she's also getting close to my other friends. We were all sitting at the Hufflepuff table and chatting while eating dinner when Lily suddenly asked "So am I the only one wondering what's going on with Cam and Pansy?" "Yeh I was wondering the same they are becoming really close" Giovani agreed. "She's just really nice and a good friend of mine," I said getting butterflies in my stomach thinking about the Slytherin girl.

"I think that you two would be lovely together" "What are you talking about Lu?" My cheeks were getting red. "Your red as a tomato," Lily said with a small laugh. I got even more embarrassed and got even redder.  "Why don't you just ask her out?" Giovani told me like it was something so easy. I rolled my eyes and Luna took the hint and changed the topic.


Potions have got a lot more fun since me and Pansy have become close so I was excited to see the girl. On my way to the class, I couldn't stop thinking about the girl and upon entering the class Pansy was already sitting there so once I entered the class she got up and hugged me. During the class, me and Pansy made some jokes about Snape that made us laugh and we couldn't contain our laughs anymore so we got detention. I wasn't too mad I got to spend more time with Pansy witch could never be a bad thing.


After classes ended I went to professor Snape's classroom because he told us to meet him there. When I arrived Pansy was already there and gave me a quick smile when she saw me enter the class. I went to sit down next to her waiting for Snape to come and tell us what we needed to do. "You'll be cleaning the whole classroom today. If I see even a little spot that hasn't been cleaned you will come back tomorrow and re-clean the whole classroom."He had almost left when he turned back "no magic" he added.

"At least it won't be as bad since we were doing this together," Pansy said once Snape had left the room "Let's start so we don't have to stay here too late," I said giggling about her comment.

We had almost finished when Pansy suddenly turned to me "You have something right here" she pointed to her nose and came closer our faces only millimeters apart and then she kissed me. Her arms on my waist and mine in her hair. The kiss was soft but passionate almost like she had been waiting long for it. She pulled away "I'm sorry I shouldn't have" "Don't worry about it," I told her going back into the kiss"

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