Chapter 16

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During breakfast, everyone was eating and chatting and the letters came. Camilla wasn't expecting anything seeing as she got a letter from her parents yesterday. Her parents didn't know about the Pansy situation she didn't want to worry them. Once a letter dropped in front of her she checked if it really was for her. It was. She didn't recognize the seal but decided to open it anyways. The letter read:

Dear Camilla,

Pansy here. I know you probably were worried about me but I'm safe. I'm writing this letter from Beauxbaton my parents transferred me to here once they found your letters. Please don't think it's your fault. I still have your neckless so a little part of you is still with me. That neckless is the only thing keeping me sain. 

Hows Hogwarts? Hows Blaise and Astoria? I'm not allowed to contact anyone from Hogwarts so could you please tell them that everything is okay. You probably are wondering how I sent you something. I'm actually using Myke's owl. Myke is my roommate here and she's helping me figure out how to get back to Hogwarts. 

My parents have taken everything away from me so this is the only way for me to contact anyone. I miss all of you please stay safe and don't very about me. 

If you decide to reply send your owl to Mykes name. My parents have made sure that I don't have any contact with the outside world so it would be strange.

Lots of Love your loving girlfriend Pansy <3

Suprised, relieved, calmer all of the emotions Camilla felt at that moment. Knowing her girlfriend is safe was enough for her. Her friend noticed a small smile creep up on her face and that made them happy. They decided to ask her later what that letter was about and continued on having breakfast. 

During the day Camilla informed Astoria and Blaise what's happening with Pansy and that she's okay.  She was paying more attention in class and participating more. Camilla couldn't wait for classes to end so she could write a letter back to Pansy. After the last class had ended she told her friends to meet her in her dorm in about an hour and ran off to the Great hall to grab some food. She placed some biscuits and brownies on her plate and went up to her room.

Camilla put the plate on her desk, grabbed some comfy clothes and went in the bathroom to take a quick shower. Put on some comfy clothes and put her hair up in a ponytail and waited for her friends to show up. 



How are you? I hope you eat something and drank something today, and if you haven't then go get some food and drink some water RIGHT NOW..... anyways this is a shorter more un-eventful chapter.

Also, I haven't updated this story in almost a month so sorry about that. I felt burnt out school is making up a bunch of time and I'm focusing on my mental health, and I'm also getting sick so I can't promise more often updates but I'm going to try. 

Don't forget to vote. And we have 2k more reads than last time I posted so that's pretty swag.

Feel free to follow my social: IG- esh.png, TikTok- eshdotexe,Twitch- eshdotexe, Twitter - eshdotexe

Have a good day/noon/night love - Esh <3

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