Chapter 7

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"I really don't understand what you see in her?" Sidney asked me once we left the classroom. before I even had the chance to answer lily already snapped back at him "You have the complete upset type from your, you like, blond-haired girls in Ravenclaw and she likes brunets in Slytherin. It's really not that hard to understand." "I guess you have a point" he replied while we kept walking to get to the next class which we had together with Luna and Giovanni care for magical creatures, we decided to take that class because it's not too hard and we get to hang out together and a bunch of magical creatures.

We met up with Luna And Giovanni and went outside while we were walking Gio came next to me and we went to the back of the group. "Did you ask her?" "No, not yet but I'm seeing her tonight so I'm probably going to ask her then." "You better! do you need help for picking out an outfit" "Sure my common room after classes" "Obviously" After our conversation, we caught up to the group and join in on their conversation. "May I ask why are you talking about what is the sexiest name?" I questioned seeing as I just joined the conversation. We laughed because nobody would agree with a name and just moved on with the conversation.


After the classes had finished Gio and I went to my room. "Let's see what you got here." He went up to my closet and started checking it out. "Not a lot to work with but I can make it work" "Hey! I heard that!" I slightly punched him in the shoulder. "By the way why isn't Lily here?" Gio asked me just realising that she wasn't here. "Oh yeh I forgot to tell you she's hanging out with mister Diggory." "Ooohhh, he's one fine man." "I have eyes i can see" I replied to him while he was still looking through my closet.

After about an hour of talking and looking through clothes and chatting Gio finally found an outfit that we both liked. A tan checkered skirt with a light turtleneck and a beige cote because it's starting to get colder outside.

After that, I dragged Gio to Hogsmeade because I wasn't about to ask a girl out to a ball and not get her anything that would be just horrible wouldn't it

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After that, I dragged Gio to Hogsmeade because I wasn't about to ask a girl out to a ball and not get her anything that would be just horrible wouldn't it. I got her, her favourite flowers wich are red peonies and some chocolate frogs because for some unknown reason Honeydukes doesn't have regular chocolate boxes.

We headed back I got dressed and did my makeup while Gio already went to see his loverboy.

Pansys POV

After potions, I gave her a note. I'm not going to lie I was so nervous but I did it. Now all day I'm going to be overthinking everything and not be able to pay attention in any of the classes, thank Merlin none of them are with Hufflepuffs.

"What are you doing on your free period" Blaise's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Umm... probably going to the library to study. I'm falling a little bit behind on things." "Ok, me and the boys are going to play some quidditch if you want to play you're welcome to join." "Thanks for the invite but I really should study. I'll see you at the next class."

I tried to study I did but I just ended up panicking. I really liked Camilla I did but I don't deserve her. She's so nice and me I'm... well I'm me. So I just sat in the library thinking about her and I wrote her a letter. That's how I spent my free period writing a letter to the girl I love. Did I just say, love? What the fuck is wrong with me.

After all of the classes and so many pep talks from Blaise. I headed to Hogsmeade and got Camilla a book about Astrology she has wanted for a long time and a bouquet of sunflowers because they remained me of her.

I went back to my dorm to find no one there. "Thank Merlin no ones here," I said quietly and relived really not wanting to be questioned about what I was holding and why I was getting dressed. I looked through my closet to find something nice to wear. I found a black tight-fitting dress with green dragons. I put on a leather jacket as it was getting chilly outside and paired it with some black boots.

 I put on a leather jacket as it was getting chilly outside and paired it with some black boots

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I put on some green eyeshadow, eyeliner and some black lipstick. After I was finally ready I had about an hour and a half left so I decided to grab my things and make my way up to the tower.


Sorry for the slow updates my mental health hasn't been the best and I have been quite busy with school. But updates should be more regular. I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I am.

Have an amazing day or whatever time it is for you. Drink water eat something and take care of yourself.

-Love Esh

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