Chapter 21

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Camilla's and Pansy's outfits because I wanted to.

Camilla's and Pansy's outfits because I wanted to

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"Pansy are you ready?"  Camilla was calling out to the girl waiting for her to get ready to go out. They were having a girls day with Lily and Luna. Witch probably included walking around the mall, getting snacks and having a picnic. Pansy was excited to finally meet Lily and Luna again, they were friends before she had to leave for Beauxbatons. "I'm coming!" Pansy half yelled running down the stairs of the house she had seen as home for the past week. "You look amazing." Camilla complimented her and kissed her cheek once she had come down. 

Once they reached the mall Lily and Luna were already there talking about something, once they saw Camilla and Pansy approaching they ran up to Pansy and gave her the biggest hug ever. Pansy let out a small giggle hugging the girls back while Camilla let out a sarcastic comment about where's her hug and that they never hug her like that. 

The girls had a bunch of laughs, they had so much to tell Pansy and everything was going well. It was starting to get late so the girls made their way back home. Everything was perfect, it seemed like finally, things were going to work out.

They got home went upstairs and Pansy was thinking how lucky she was being able to find someone as caring as Camilla. A sudden adrenaline rush hit her and as soon as they entered Camilla's room Pansy pushed Camilla against a wall and started kissing her, one of her hands were on Camilla's face and the other was on her face. This took Camilla by surprise but her hands grabbed Pansy's waist and enjoyed the moment. Pansy started moving her lips to Camilla's neck making Camilla's hands go into Pansy's hair and pull it a bit. That turned on Pansy even more. Pansy broke the kiss for a brief moment "can I?" she asked Camilla making sure she was comfortable with whats happening. Camilla shook her head, yes not being able to speak just wanting to have Pansy all to herself. And that night she did.

(a week later)

Camilla and Pansy were just chilling on the couch watching some tv. They were taking a day to themselves as the week before almost every day they had gone out with friends. They had gone swimming, to outdoor movies, to the park and other places. They were just relaxing talking to each other when they heard a knock on the door. "whos that?" Pansy asked "don't know" Camilla answered getting up to check who was there. To see that her parents had come home.

"Hey, Sweetheart!" Her mom hugged her as soon as she opened the door. "Mom? Dad? You're home already?" "Yeh we missed you. Where's Pansy by the way?" "Pansy could you come over here Darling," Camilla called out to her and soon after a girl with grey plaided pyjama pants and a black crop top came out of the living room. "Oh, Mr and Mrs Stardust" "Come over her Pansy" Camillas mom said in a loving and welcoming voice. Pansy came closer and was surprised when she hugged her, Pansy wasn't used to being shown affection by a parental figure but it made her smile knowing that she has a family now.

Everyone caught up with everything and Pansy and Camilla explained everything to her parents. "Well, at least you okay now. And you should also be getting ready for dinner were going out." Camillas dad told the girls who exclaimed and ran upstairs to get ready.


Hey. Haven't talked to you in a while. I just wanted to thank you for all the love and support on this story were almost at 16k reads and that is still mindblowing to me. I really can't believe that someone is reading this.

anyways go get some food and water and consider following me on other social media.

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Also, feel free to message me if you need to talk to someone.

With Love Esh

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