Chapter 1

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Camillas POV

"Cami!" I heard a soft voice call my name, it was Luna. Merlin how I missed that girl. "Hey, Lu!" I say and run towards her and hug her. Merlin, I've missed that girl haven't seen her in a few months but it feels like it's been years. We wrote to each other of course but that's not the same as seeing her.

Luna is my best friend altho she's a Ravenclaw and I'm a Hufflepuff we have been friends since year one. We spend a lot of time together exploring the castle and studying. She seems very carefree but is actually really smart.

"Merlin I missed you, babes!"

"I missed you too Cami."

"Let's go find the others I bet they are on the train already"

The girls go on the train and go looking for the friends it doesn't take long for them to find their friends sitting and talking about their summers already.

"I still can't believe all of you went traveling this year and left me all alone," a brown-haired boy said quite saddened.

"Well, it's not our problem that all of your family lives near you and you didn't get to travel, Sid" sarcastically with a little laugh said Camilla.

"Camilla! Luna! " exclaimed Lily and got up to hug her.

"Hello there loves," said Giovanni with a teasing smile and joined in the hug with the girls.

"You not joining Sid?" said Camilla welcoming the boy into the group hug.

"Of course I am" Sidney got up and hugged the group.

The friends took their seats and were on their way to school. The group spent chatting, laughing, and eating sweets all the way to school.

Pansys POV

Another year of Hogwarts. I'm sitting in the compartment on the train waiting for Blaise, Draco, Crabbe, and Goy. The only person I actually like is Blaise, I tolerate all of them because of Blaise. I know everyone thinks I'm in love with Draco but I have to pretend to make my parents happy. They want me to get together with him because he's rich.

I hear a laugh from the compartment next to me. I think it was the cutest laugh I have ever heard I looked over to see who it belonged to. laughing there was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her brown hair flowing beautifully against her face and her green eyes in the sunlight were breathtaking.

I had seen her before around school and in some of the classes and I knew that she was really pretty. I mean everyone wants to date her. I'm surprised she's single because... I mean just look at her.

"Hey Pans" I heard a voice that made me snap out of my daydream.

I looked up and saw Blaise standing there "Oh hey Blaise!"

"What were you looking at" Blaise questioned and looked to where I was looking. "Ohh..." Blaise smirked and looked back while taking a seat next to me.

"Show off Blaise. Not a word to anyone."

"Don't worry pans I would never"

"Wheres Draco and his little goons"

"Missed me?" a voice that I recognized immediately suddenly spoke.

I rolled my eyes disapprovingly not even looking at him.

"Oh cmon love don't be like that I know that you love me," he said with a sly voice making me throw up a little in my mouth.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle sat down opposite me, and Blaise. The boys started talking and I decided to take a nap but I couldn't fall asleep because she was on my mind.


That's the first chapter done. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know it a little short but I had fun writing it so I hope you had fun reading it.


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