Chapter 18

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After Pansy hadn't responded to her letter after a month Camilla had cut and dyed her hair. She actually changed her whole style. Her hair is a little above shoulder length with a fringe dyed dark blue almost black. She told herself and others that she had wanted to this for a while and just finally decided to do it but deep down she knew it's because it remained her of Pansy a little. And she really misses her even if she says she doesn't. 

At the dorm, she was getting ready for the party. Putting a more reviling black dress with some black heels. She was feeling herself. Applying the finishing touches of her makeup.

(the dress)

All of a sudden an owl flew through the window carrying a letter

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All of a sudden an owl flew through the window carrying a letter. The letter was from Myke's family seen by the stamp. Lily saw and got really worried knowing that her friend isn't really over her. She has heard Camilla crying herself to sleep when she thinks everyone is sleeping and she still has the ring on not wanting to take it off. "What is it, love?" Lily asked Camilla in a soft tone not pressuring her to speak. "Oh, It's from Pansy...I would guess." "Do you want to open it now? Or we can do it after the party." Camilla took a deep breath and opened the letter. 

Camilla dearest,

I'm saddened to let you know that I won't be coming back to Hogwarts and think that we should break it off. I scenically apologize for the inconvenience.

Yours truly Pansy Parkinson.

Tears started to fill Camilla's eyes. Lily quickly snatched the small note from her hands and immediately said: "That's not Pansy! It's not her style to not handwrite her letters even breakup ones. And it isn't signed all fancy with her signature. " "Realy? How did you pick it up so fast?" Camilla asked trying to keep her tears in not wanting to ruin her makeup too much. "I've been here for every letter she has written you, I've seen her writing style. And that is not her." Camilla sniffles "...really?" "Yes, Cam. So are you still up for the party or do you want to sneak over to the kitchen and have a girls night?" "Can you call Luna over?" Camilla says sniffling and giving Lily a slight smile through her tears that now have started to fall down he cheeks.  Lily gave Camilla a hug and ran to get Luna and snacks. 

After about 20 minutes Lily was back with Luna and both of their hand were full of snacks and Camilla's favourite foods and drinks. Luna saw Camilla crying on the bed dropped the food out of her hands on the nearest surface and hugged Camilla tightly: "Oh darling It's going to be fine." "Promise?" "Promise." Luna and Camilla linked their pinkies. The rest of the night the girls took some pictures seeing as all of them were dressed for the party and looked hot(the outfits can't go to waste.) ate snacks and talked about everything and nothing. Luna ended up staying the night in their dorm.

The next morning was a Saturday meaning the day is going to be filled with going to Hogsmeade, studying for the finals and finishing final projects and hopefully getting some time in the sun. The girls had planed a picnic. They went over to Hogsmeade got a cake some juice and other snacks. The day was spent doing final bits and pieces for school while eating in the nice late spring sun. The whole friend group was there. Just having fun like the old times. No problems just fun. 


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