12 | possessiveness and proposals

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"Is there a particular reason behind your obsession with dumplings?" Jimin grinned as I slurped the dumpling soup as elegantly as I could.

A sudden obsession of monitoring and improving my body language when I was around Jimin was slowly taking over my mind and no matter how many times I tried to reason with myself that I really didn't need to act differently in his presence, I just couldn't bring myself to act naturally.

Ex-Best friends or not, no guy would ever like his girlfriend stuffing food into her mouth.

"Well," I waited until I was done swallowing the scalding hot liquid. "Who wouldn't like them? They're soft, fluffy and warm. A dash of hot sauce and you get the most wholesome combination to ever exist."

"If you put it like that, I'll be forced to agree." Jimin laughed. "But I bet you don't know that the characteristics you just described actually fit something else that you love...erm pretty accurately.

I scoffed in disbelief. "I'll pay money to see anything that even comes close to these." I pointed towards the savoury bundles of goodness in front of me.

Jimin smirked, sipping on his orange juice slowly. Apparently, he couldn't handle spice all too well. "I suggest you get ready to hand me some bills then.

"Bring me the said thing first." I demanded.

"It's right here." He replied smugly, my brows arching as I followed the direction of his hand to see his chopsticks pointing towards his chest.

Oh, the nerve!

Jimin laughed at my nonplussed expression. I couldn't believe he was misinformed enough to refer to himself as soft, fluffy and warm!

He was the devil reincarnate!

"Uh huh, sorry to burst your bubble but—" I shook my head but Jimin was quick to shush me.

"You just haven't seen that side of me yet." He added defensively.

I resisted the urge to smile at his capriciousness—another very interesting characteristic of his outgoing personality.

"Can I ask for the bill now?" I asked finishing the last of my food as Jimin arched his brow.

"What do you mean? You're not paying. I thought I already told you that."

"Yeah, I'm not." I nodded, grabbing my purse to fish out my wallet. "We are splitting the bill."

Jimin blinked at me for a second before smoothly getting up and pulling the purse out of my hand, throwing it back onto the cushioned sofa where I sat. I looked at him confused.

"Can't you let me be a good boyfriend for once?" He spoke seriously as heat bloomed onto my cheeks.

"Stop acting upon whatever dating tips you might have taken from dodgy internet chat groups and just let me take care of you." Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me along towards the billing counter. I lowered my head, busted.

"I-I thought it was good manners." I mumbled shyly. "Girls shouldn't expect their partner to pay all the time, you know?"

"Well, you are not asking me to pay, are you?" Jimin pointed out as we walked, our hands still locked together. "I'm the one who wants to."

"Fine." I pouted, unconsciously. "I see your point so I'll accept your treat. But next time, it's on me."

Swiping his card, Jimin turned to look at me amused. "Are you saying you want to go on another date with me?"

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