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"Just five more minutes, Y/N. Please don't leave just yet. Let me sleep some more." Jimin nuzzled his head deeper into the crook of my neck the next morning, his strong arm wrapped around my bare waist preventing me from getting out of bed and our bodies huddled together closely under the thick comforter.

"Aren't you enjoying this a little too much?" I bit my lip as I felt him kiss my shoulder sleepily before proceeding to place a couple of soft kisses on my cheek mumbling a little 'you're so soft and warm'.

Good thing I'd let him sleep in the bed yesterday. I adored this sleepy, clingy side of Jimin first thing in the morning. The fact that he could seem so innocent when he was, in fact, a really salacious guy, knocked me over with a feather.

My heart skipped a beat as I took in his soft, pouty lips, slightly parted in light slumber. Though unmoving and demurely unseducing at the moment, they still didn't fail to remind me of the crude, enticing things they were actually capable of doing.

Utterly fascinated, I gently leaned in to place my lips against his luscious pink ones in a short moment of thoughtless recklessness before quickly withdrawing.

What the hell was I doing?

"I always knew you were kind of kinky." Jimin's eyes fluttered open as he flashed me a lazy smirk. "But Somnophilia? That's new."

Heat rose my cheeks as my heartbeat quickened. He really did use that face to his advantage, didn't he?

"Says the one who'd pass up no chance to feel me up during the night." I scoffed playfully as Jimin arched an eyebrow.

"No, I wouldn't." His response was quick.

"Exactly." I replied, slightly taken aback but giggling nonetheless. "You're a pervert."

"What did you call me?" He was on top of me now, our noses almost touching.

Suppressing my gasp of surprise, I let out a nervous laugh. "A pervert." I emphasised, refusing to meet his eyes lest he took that as an invitation to kiss me.

I could judge from the heat of his gaze on me that he was going to bruise me with his kisses if I dared egg him on any further.

"You don't seem to hate it though." His voice was low...smug. "I could fvck you in the middle of the night and I doubt a single word of protest would fall from that pretty mouth of yours."

I gasped, my mouth falling open.

He was such a smooth dirty talker.

"Uhh." I began meekly, desperately trying to think of something to say. Nothing came to mind.

I was fvcked.

Swallowing hard, I refused to meet his dark gaze, shakily pushing my hands up against his chest. "Yah, y-your friends are going to arrive any minute now."

Ugh, what a turnoff, Y/N.

But I had to save my ass here.

So I continued. "Better get off me now. I don't think they'll appreciate seeing this side of you." I finished awkwardly as Jimin lifted his head up slightly to narrow his eyes at me.

"Oh no, baby girl. Don't you dare try and change the topic now." Jimin's voice was husky and full of warning as his tongue flicked out to gently moisten his lower lip.

His gaze darkened when he noticed my eyes fixated on his mouth and I immediately looked away. "You are stupidly brave, Y/N." Jimin purred, smirking.

Cigarettes & Kisses | P.JM 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now