17 | disappointment and declarations

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Although I did feel Jimin getting out of bed a few hours later, I was too sleepy to care and even more flustered to stop him as he snuck out of the window, probably trying to save me from embarrassing myself in front of my mother like last time.

Thankfully, she didn't.

I didn't know whether I was supposed to be happy about the fact that I had successfully dodged a tricky situation or nervous about the newfound privacy my mother was starting to give me. As if she expected Jimin to be in my bed every morning!

Hounded by my unstoppable thoughts and extremely distracting memories of last night, I didn't open my window until well into the afternoon when I was finally somehow done with applying for jobs in the companies that I wanted to work at.

Spending my life working as an assistant designer wasn't really my dream. But I did realise that interning at a renowned firm was going to get me the experience that I was going to need when I started my own business as an interior designer.

"Jimin-ah! Are you there?" I called out, frowning when I received no reply from the other side even though the large French windows leading to his balcony were open, the loosely tied curtains swaying in the afternoon breeze.

"Jim-" I quieted abruptly as I heard muffled yelling sounds from his house.

"I don't fvcking care what that woman thinks! She has no right to have a say in this!" It was Jimin's voice and he was engaged in what seemed like a very heated argument with his father. My conscience chided me for eavesdropping on their conversation but I had already heard enough to fail at trying to talk myself out of listening to more.

His voice seemed to get farther away as more heated words were exchanged between the father and son, making my heart drop. Judging from how Jimin made no effort to tone down his voice even as his father's voice reduced considerably in volume, I could understand how pissed he was.

He wasn't just causing trouble by acting up anymore.

He was fighting for what was really important and he meant it.

This was serious.

"No, father, I'm not giving in this time." His voice shook with emotion and then faded away as once again, I felt like a shameless intruder. But I couldn't stop myself from staring, my palms growing clammy from anxiety.

"I might be obliged to respect you, but that privilege does not extend to the shameless woman you screw around with!"

I gasped.

I had never heard Jimin raise his voice before and the angry, almost furious tone of his voice as he made me recoil back in surprise, my eyes wide.

I felt extremely conflicted. As much as I wanted to be there for him, to hold him and calm him down, because whatever it was that was hurting him to the point of making him this enraged and wrathful could surely be worked out if we tried together, I also couldn't help but be doubtful of whether or not it was my place to interfere in their personal family matters.

"I will not have you behave like this, Park Jimin. You will go and apologise to Taehee or you can get out of this house right now!" I jumped as Jimin's father shouted back at him. "I will not let a mannerless rogue like you live under my roof who's such a disappointment to the dead memory of your mother!"

My heart plummeted.

If his tone was any proof, the atmosphere between the father and son had become pretty tense - rather escalated out of control - and even as a close spectator I couldn't imagine how Jimin would be feeling hearing his own father say such hurtful words.

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