7 | lies and loathing

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Jimin's eyes were mischievous.

Judging from the way his teasing gaze wandered all over my face, he clearly was upto no good.

I clenched my fists together, trying not to pull free my arms that Jimin held tightly onto against his shoulders. I gasped when he leaned forward without a warning, lips hovering over mine and a testing smirk playing on his lips as he acknowledged the look of sheer surprise on my face.

I truly wasn't expecting him to act so fast even though I knew he was really fast with his reflexes and now my miscalculation had landed me in a really questionable position with Jimin who by no means looked affected by our heated proximity.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" He breathed, his eyes locking with mine as I let out a shaky breath. If my mother was to see us now, all the effort I'd put into convincing her that there was nothing sexual going on between Jimin and I would go down the drain.

"I-I'm still thinking." I enunciated bashfully. "I admit spilling water down your back seemed like a very tempting idea but now—"

"Not sure about it anymore, are you?" Jimin's smirk widened. "Why? Are you scared of the desperate need for revenge you see in my eyes?"

"I'd be happy if it was vengeance I saw in your eyes."

"Then what is it that you do see, doll?"

Desire. That seductive gleam of excitement in a predator's eyes that paralyses its prey.

My cheeks reddened with mortification.

"I don't know." I blurted abruptly, jerking away from him.

"I don't believe you...but since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you a benefit of doubt this one time." Jimin pulled back with a knowing grin, standing up to leave me sitting on the floor all by myself as I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling slightly relieved now that he wasn't practically breathing against my lips.

"You're going back to your house after this, right?" I mumbled hesitantly as he bent down to pick up the used dishes. "Don't you dare think of going to my room—YAH!" I sputtered startled as Jimin suddenly upturned his glass of water right on top of my head, laughing his ass off at my flummoxed expression.

"What. The. Fvck." I exclaimed, nonplussed, unsure how to react. Looking down at my hoodie, I noticed that it was completely soaked from the top from where the water was slowly starting to seep in, creating an immensely damp and uncomfortable sensation against my skin.

"Yah! Is this your generosity?" I screamed, lunging at him but even while continuing to snicker uncontrollably, he was quick to sidestep and dodge me while I landed uncomfortably on top of the breakfast table, painfully thwarted.

"Come upstairs when you're ready to take me on again, baby doll." Jimin taunted, leaning in to ruffle my hair patronisingly before walking towards my room unhindered.

I groaned in annoyance, lifting myself up and following him hot on his tail as he turned around to look me up and down slowly, a challenging smile on his pink lips.

"Good to see that you gain your senses back pretty quickly. What do you want to do now? Do you want to shower first or keep on fighting and shower later?" He arched an eyebrow, biting his lip subtly. "Together."

"Shut up." I scowled before stalking towards the bed and sitting down on it stubbornly. "I would have asked you to get out right now if I didn't have to talk to you. As annoyed as I am by your prolonged presence around me, I still want to know just what you were doing in my bed." I crossed my arms.

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