14 | corsets and covetousness

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I was almost hoping to find Jimin sleeping beside me when I woke up, but he wasn't.

Not knowing whether to be pleased or disappointed, I decided to not waste time and get ready for the university fest which was being organised as a kind of fun event for us seniors who were graduating soon.

Turning on the music on my speakers, I quickly made my bed when 'Ain't My Fault' a song that I had been vibing to a lot these days came up, putting me in a bright mood immediately.

Moving to the cheerful beat, I shimmied towards my closet, trying to pick out a simple outfit for the eventful day ahead but changed my mind when I saw the white lace corset top hanging inside.

Although very elegant, the top was also kind of risqué with its deep sweetheart neckline but I was pretty sure I could carry it just fine with a warm jacket on top. Besides, I needed to upgrade my outfits now that I was finally dating.

Taking a warm shower, I made sure the window in my room was properly curtained before towel drying myself and spritzing my usual body perfume on all my pulse points. Once I was happy with the subtle scent, I slipped into the corset top, making sure the fitting was neither too tight nor too loose before pulling on my favourite pair of skinny jeans and cinching my waist with a belt.

"Eomma, I'm leaving now! I won't be home for lunch, okay?" I shouted only a few minutes later as I hurriedly walked downstairs hoping that I wouldn't be reprimanded for dressing so scarcely. If she were to notice the lack of a pullover underneath my jacket, I was in for a good scolding. She wasn't going to let me step out in the chill in just a top and a jacket.

"Be careful on your way out." I almost heaved a sigh of relief when she wished me goodbye without paying much attention to me but my relief was short lived. I gasped when she turned to give me a concerned look just as I was finishing zipping up my boots. "And if you're going to be dressed like that for the whole day, make sure you have Jimin by your side. I can't have another one of those 'Hyunwoo incidents' happening to you again."


I waved to Y/N as she stepped out of her house, smiling when her eyes caught onto mine and I immediately choked on my saliva.

What the fvck was she wearing?

Blinking furiously, I gulped as I saw her trudge towards me, her loose dark hair framing her sweet face innocently but I'd be damned if her body in that outfit was anything but.

"Why are your cheeks flushed?" Y/N raised an eyebrow as she got into the car. Softly cursing under my breath, I immediately diverted my gaze from her exposed skin, focusing on her familiar intoxicating scent instead.

Her scent that instantly reminded me of musk and roses, and of slow, passionate kisses.

God, why was she doing this to me?

"I don't know, probably from the cold." I licked my lips. "Aren't you cold?"

"Not really." She shook her head, looking at me confused. "Why?"

I looked at her for a couple of seconds before finally exhaling. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I leaned forward to unbuckle hers as well. "You know what, Y/N? I'm sorry to say this but you can't go like this. It's way too cold for you to be wearing lace tops."

"But I'm not cold." Y/N pointed out. "Plus, I can always zip up my jacket if I feel cold later on." She zipped her jacket up to demonstrate as I quickly nodded.

"Good. Keep it that way." Putting on an expressionless face, I sighed and focused ahead. She really had the kind of body that would drive any man crazy and I wasn't about to let other guys look at something that was mine. "Don't you dare unzip your jacket. I...don't want you to catch a cold."

"O-Okay." Y/N mumbled, choosing to remain silent for the next couple of minutes as we neared the university.

I was immediately greeted by my friends as soon as we stepped inside the main campus and soon the introductions were made.

"Y/N. These are my friends, the guys I dance with." I told her as she smiled and cheerfully shook hands with them. "And guys, this is Y/N, my girlfriend."

"Don't tell me." Suddenly Taehyung glanced at me playfully, visibly in the mood for mischief. "I thought I'd called dibs on her first?"

This fvcker.

"Don't fvck around, Taehyung." I frowned, giving him a warning glance.

"Why? From the way you kept raving on and on about her all these years, I think it's pretty natural for all of us to have developed little crushes on your pretty little doll." Taehyung grinned, deliberately emphasising the last three words as the rest of them snickered, joining in on his plan.

I glared at Jin and Namjoon who looked especially amused with the situation but they were too busy grinning at this stupid joke to actually care.

"And needless to say, she lives up to the hype." He looked at Y/N who was smiling at the boys, probably catching onto the joke as well.

"Jimin's description doesn't do you justice, Y/N. You're much prettier than what he said." Hoseok piped in as the others nodded.

I didn't like the way they looked at Y/N with that appreciative gaze.

Sure, their intentions weren't bad but I knew for a fact that Jungkook, Yoongi and Taehyung had all liked Y/N at some point of time, only giving up when they found out about my intentions towards her.

As much as Y/N liked to whine about not having had a boyfriend before, she was rather clueless about the amount of male attention she actually received. She was blissfully unaware of the interest she garnered amongst guys and how I had foolishly but unapologetically spent the past few years getting into fights just because someone else had dared to like her.

"Okay, that's enough. Stop hitting on my girl already." I mumbled, trying to sound light hearted but my voice came out to be rather curt as the boys immediately closed their mouths shut. Taking Y/N's hand, I pulled her along with me.

"You're being really strange." Y/N quipped, frowning slightly as we reached the gaming booths. "Do you...not want to be here with me?" The disappointment was clear in her tone as she looked at me, expecting an answer. "Or do you not like what I'm wearing? Do you think I look ridiculous? Is that it?"


"Can't you see I'm jealous, Y/N?"

"Y-You're jealous?" She echoed, genuinely stumped. "Of what?"

"Of them looking at you." I admitted. "It's stupid and extremely petty of me to feel this way but I just can't not feel possessive of you, even if they are my closest friends."


I was stunned. "Jimin, they were just joking, weren't they?"

"About having called dibs on you, yes." Jimin nodded. "About finding you pretty? Not at all. Especially not when you look like this." He mumbled,

"When I look like what?" I questioned softly, looking him straight in the eyes. "Come on, tell me." I stepped closer to him. "Don't expect me to believe your 'I don't want you to catch a cold' bullshit. I know you better than that."

Jimin's gaze was intense as he stared at me unblinkingly. "Don't expect me to not kiss the life out of you once I'm done telling you then. I know myself better than that."

The corners of his mouth quirked up softly as he gripped my chin. "Or is it that you're just dying to kiss me but can't directly ask?"

I scoffed, my cheeks heating up a little. "I don't need to ask you when I can do it myself."

"We'll see just how confident you are about that once we go back. Since...I'm sleeping with you tonight."

"Who says that?" I crossed my arms.

"I'm not just saying that." Jimin smirked. "I challenge you. Let's play a game and if I win, you grant me a wish."

"And if I win?"

"Trust me, doll. I won't let you."

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