3 | tantrums and testimonies

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"Ugh, I hate it here." I threw a fit, slamming the door close and throwing myself onto the bed.

What happened? I was just throwing my usual temper tantrum because my mother had refused to let me go out and get my favourite chicken dumplings citing that I'd gain weight and start resembling the very dumplings that I loved so much if I ate so carelessly.

My stomach growled.

How was it my fault if I suddenly craved something soft and savoury?

There was just something incredibly satisfying about dumplings that made me feel warm and full and I always seemed to crave them no matter how many times I ate them.

Flailing my legs, I kicked and punched the mattress, feeling like an insolent spoiled brat for acting so childishly but my mother really was too harsh on me sometimes. She knew that I didn't think much of cold noodles and yet that was all she'd been cooking for the past one week and now I was fed up.

"Ughhh, I want dumplings!" I groaned again, pouting even though there was no one to see my dissatisfied expressions.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I jumped, sniffing before reaching out for it. My eyes immediately went to the window after reading the message and I stomped towards it, ready to tell Jimin to fvck off.

"Yah!" I glared at Jimin who was leaning against the balcony, chin resting on his hand and a smug smirk playing on his lips. "Stop eavesdropping on me!"

"Stop groaning so loudly then. I'm a guy and I can't help but listen if you make such suggestive noises." He retorted, not a single trace of remorse on his face.

"You're just a dirty-minded pervert, that's all. I can't believe I actually agreed to give you a chance to kiss me. I'm seriously rethinking it because just the thought of your lips on mine gives me the creeps!" I yelled angrily.

"I would have almost been offended if I wasn't confident of my kissing skills, baby." The corner of his mouth lifted as he shot me a heated look.

"Also I'd like you to stop spouting dumb lies like that if you don't want me to cross over right now and prove you wrong myself. You know I sure as hell can do that if I can resist smoking just for the sake getting a taste of your lips." He iterated smoothly, rendering me speechless.

Yes, he used to be my best friend but that didn't explain how he could practically read through everything I said, separating truth from the lies immediately. Or maybe, like he said, it was just his confidence.

I didn't know what that made me though. He hadn't even kissed me yet...worse, I hated his guts. But because that was probably the only thing I hated about him I was already wrapped around his tiny finger even going as far as to blush furiously as he shamelessly relayed his intentions to me.

"So..." I hesitated, wiping my sweaty hands against my jeans. "Did you really not smoke during the last week?"

"I didn't. Cross my heart."

"How can I believe that?" I arched my brow. "Why would you leave something you like so much just for a kiss from me?"

"Kisses." Jimin corrected immediately as he jumped up to sit on the railing again.

Taken aback, I gasped out loud but quickly regained composure as he threw me a knowing look.

"And if you don't believe me, ask Taehee. The damned woman loves keeping me under surveillance 24x7."  Jimin continued, his tone suddenly turning bitter but I was too busy panicking and heavily criticising his dangerous actions internally to notice the change in his voice.

His self-forsaking actions gave me anxiety. My heart dipped every single time he slung his legs over the balustrade, effortlessly perching his slender body on a dangerously high point above the ground.

Even now, watching the breeze whip his blonde strands out of his eyes as he casually swayed from side-to-side, without a care for the impending fall that awaited him just in case he happened to lose control of his beautiful, svelte body...gosh, I needed to get my head up straight.

I cleared my throat, surprised by the detail of my earlier thoughts. Knowing him and his stupid, attention-seeking self, I wouldn't even be surprised if he was acting so recklessly just to draw a reaction from me.

And yet, the mere imagination of him falling from that godforsaken height had my hair standing on end.

"Also, I'm not giving up something that I like. It's more complicated than that. Call it a barter if you must." Jimin emphasised, smirking. "I'm just swapping something I like for something I love."

I stayed quiet, my brain refusing to register anything but his hazardous actions. Or perhaps, it was just a much-needed excuse to not take his deceptively promising words seriously.

"You're distracted." Jimin suddenly pointed out, his tone smug. "Don't tell me you're actually worried about me."

I scowled darkly. Why not stop with his idiotic actions if he was smart enough to notice that it was distracting me?

"Don't overestimate yourself. What you do with your life is none of my concerns." I huffed. "I just don't want to be the one taking care of you when you fall and break all your bones."

"You're so harsh, doll." Jimin pretended to suck in a breath.

I clenched my fists. "Call me that again and I might just push you off there myself."

"Goddamn, you're so violent." Jimin mock gasped, not in the least fazed by my threat. "I don't mind though." He continued. His dark eyes met mine in a silent challenge, the corner of his soft mouth lifting up tantalisingly. "I like girls with a little bit of fire. Keeps things interesting."

"You—" I started but couldn't continue speaking as Jimin showed me his phone's screen looking triumphant.

"There's only two hours left to go until I can claim my first kiss, Y/N. You better be prepared."

Cigarettes & Kisses | P.JM 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now