13 | declarations and diabolicalness

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"I-Is that for me?" I stuttered as my eyes flicked to Jimin's face in disbelief. He held out the ring with both his hands, looking slightly nervous as I continued to look at him, unable to move.

I never expected his intentions towards me to be so heartwarmingly pure and certainly didn't expect him to offer a promise ring to me in the middle of the street, with everyone watching.

I couldn't even blame myself for feeling extremely flustered... especially after what Jimin had said inside the restaurant.

I had never had someone act so possessive and protective over me and with practically everything Jimin said or did sending my heart racing, I couldn't even think straight...let alone form words to accept the ring.

"Yes," He suppressed a shiver. "Unless you are a hallucination and the chill is making me see things."

I chuckled. "I'm a hundred percent real. Pinch me."

"I'd love to," He grinned. "But can you answer me first? My knees are about to freeze."

"Yes. Yes, I'll at least let you try." I whispered hurriedly and then ran towards him, grabbing his jacket as he stood up, smiling cheekily as he looked at me, his eyes shining with genuine excitement.

Quickly grabbing my left hand, he slipped the beautiful crystal studded silver band onto my ring finger, his index finger coming to rest on my lips just as I opened my mouth with an intention to reprimand him.

"Don't even bother saying anything unless it's about how much you love me."

"It is," I shook my head trying to pull away but his grip on my waist tugged me back into him as I gripped the lapels of his jacket for support.

Jimin's eyes widened playfully as he smirked. "Woah, you're aggressive."

"Shut up," Cheeks flaring up, I let go of his jacket immediately and looked down, brushing my hair away from my face. "Why'd you even wear ripped jeans when it's so cold outside? No wonder your knees felt chilly." I mumbled, staring at the slightly red skin of his knees that peeked out from underneath the jeans.

"Well, I didn't know I'd be going on my knees today." Jimin gripped my hand, his fingers gently linking with mine. "This is just our first date, afterall."

I bit my lip. "Aren't you worried that we are moving too fast?"

"We've just kissed, Y/N." Jimin hummed, pulling our interlocked hands into his pocket.

"A ring doesn't change anything. We can take it as slow as you want. We've both waited years to finally be here. Now that we're finally together, I'm sure it won't be difficult to wait for a few more and patiently let things unfold on their own." He squeezed my hand reassuringly causing me to lift my head up and steal a glance at his handsome profile that stood out against the rather dull background.

He was looking straight ahead which allowed me to stare long enough to notice how sharp his jawline had gotten over the years, how he licked his full lips every once in a while to wet them, causing his throat to bob delicately underneath his turtleneck sweater and how his blonde hair caught the passing rays of sunlight giving his already gorgeous face a soft sun-lit glow.

"I-I do not intend to make you wait for years." I mumbled softly, blushing immediately as Jimin's neck snapped towards me, his eyebrows raised.

"Let's not make dangerous promises, doll. You don't want me to lose my sleep, do you?" He warned completely seriously as I bit my lip sheepishly, shaking my head no.

"Right." He conceded, lips curving into a charming smile. "Besides I want to spend time with you without the pressure of establishing physical intimacy weighing us down. I can't bear to hurt you any more than I already have and I want you to approach me yourself whenever you're ready. It's okay...even if that's not soon."

"It's very reassuring to see that you still haven't changed... in some aspects." I smiled up at him. "Unlike what I thought you're still rather warm... in your own special way." Halting, I looked at his pleasantly eased expression for a couple of seconds before making up my mind.

Slipping my fingers up his jacket, I ignored his questioning gaze and gripped the rich fabric between my fingers. Gathering my courage, I tugged him forward until he was at eye-level with me, his dark gaze getting caught with mine for a few seconds before it fell to my parted lips.

I exhaled gently. "And I've realised that I need to thank you for many things," I leaned in close, Jimin's soft gasp of surprise reverberating in the almost non-existent gap between our lips. "But the most important of them all is you trying to return to the old Jimin, the little, happy boy I knew from my childhood, the one who used to care unconditionally and love without holding back." I whispered as I pressed my lips to his, smiling into the kiss when instead of trying to take control, he let his arms wrap around my waist loosely and melted into my touch.

This time, I was truly done for.


"Do you think your parents are going to find out if I sneak into your room tonight?" Back resting against his bedroom wall, his legs hanging on either side of the balcony's wooden parapet Jimin grinned as I paused in the middle of tying up my hair to glare at him.

He had insisted that he wanted me to keep my window open so he could communicate with me easily without having to text where he couldn't see my expressions, thus taking a considerable part of fun out of our conversations.

Texting was only for the rare circumstances when we couldn't see each other face-to-face or for sexting, he'd claimed.


"Don't do it," I told him, burying my hands deep into my hoodie. "Eomma already thinks we have something... err freaky going on between us."

Jimin quirked his eyebrow. "But don't we?"

"We are not having sex, Jimin." I pointed out, whisper-yelling as the boy burst out laughing.

"Not yet anyway." I added bashfully which only caused him to smirk.

"Yeah, just not yet." He glanced at me fondly, eyes glittering with pure amusement. "But doesn't that mean I can be trusted and therefore allowed to cuddle you up in your bed?"

"No!" I quipped. "Anyone who's seen us wake up together won't believe that. We are all over each other!"

"What's the point of sleeping together if we can't even be all over each other? And what's wrong with seeking a little bit of body warmth?" Jimin deadpanned as I threw him an unamused look. "Also talking about body warmth..." He trailed off, lips pulling into a little confused pout. "Aren't you dressed a little differently than usual?"

I was taken aback. I didn't think he would notice. "I am cold." I lied.

I was just afraid he was going to sneak in again and I wanted to be dressed modestly, just in case. As much as he was determined to be a gentleman, his hands could get quite naughty as they looked for warmer spots of my body during the night.

"Why don't you just let me sleep with you?" Jimin almost whined. "This is so unfair!"

"Can you please stop throwing a tantrum sitting on a fvcking railing Jimin!? You're scaring me." I yelled worriedly as he shut up immediately, getting off the parapet and perching himself against it instead.

"Thank you." I sighed. Gosh, he was such a child sometimes.

"So—" He piped up hopefully but I cut him off.


"You're really going to let your boyfriend be cold all night? You're cruel, Y/N."

"Remind me to give you a thick blanket on your birthday," I flashed him a sweet smile, desperately trying to not cave in. "Meanwhile I'll ask Eomma to send over some hot tea for you. I'm sure she'd love to make it for you. Goodnight."

Cigarettes & Kisses | P.JM 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now