16 | touches and timidity

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"So pretty." I mumbled quietly, gently caressing Y/N's hair as she continued sleeping peacefully, her hands tucked underneath her pillow. I paused as a dreamy sigh escaped her lips and calmly stared at her face in the dim light emanated by the night lamp.

My head was filled with a hundred thoughts but oddly enough, I still felt at peace. I didn't know if I was staring at her sleep because I couldn't sleep or if I couldn't sleep because I was too busy soaking in every detail of her tranquil expressions.

She was gorgeous... and incredibly sexy.

No, don't go there, Jimin!

But it was already too late.

I groaned, folding my legs to put some desperately needed distance between our bodies as a wave of pure desire shot through my body.

"Fvck." I cursed under my breath. The last thing I wanted was for Y/N to be woken up by my impatient, unmanageable 'junior' that clearly had a mind of its own. Pushing off the covers, I proceeded to quietly get out of bed before running towards the bathroom. A cold shower was probably going to kill me in this midnight chill but I was desperate. Risking my potential death seemed much more favourable than risking my relationship with Y/N.

I had barely even turned on the shower when I heard a couple of soft knocks on the bathroom door, followed by Y/N's sleep-ridden voice. "Jimin? Are you inside? What are you doing?"

"Uhh yeah, just a second. I'm—" I cursed under my breath when I realised that I couldn't really start showering with Y/N standing at the bathroom door. What was I even thinking? Stupidly deciding to take a shower? In this cold? There was no way Y/N wouldn't be suspicious of my half-witted actions.

"Why are you awake?" I questioned quietly as I stepped out of the bathroom, trying not to let my eyes stray down her T-shirt clad body.

"I suddenly felt cold." She replied hoarsely. "You must have accidentally let too much cold air into the blanket while getting out, you know what I mean?" She giggled sleepily, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to the bed. "Come on now, let's sleep."

I swallowed as she carelessly clambered underneath the sheets, baring more skin than she intended to.

Those legs... fvck, I needed to get a grip.

Clenching my fists, I tried to get back into bed but felt my breath coming to a standstill when Y/N shifted closer to me, wrapping her arm around my torso. "It's going to take me another few minutes to fall back to sleep. Warm me up." She mumbled quietly, her tone demanding even in her sleep. I could do that.

Simply sharing body heat couldn't be that hard, could it? I gulped, immediately getting my answer when Y/N shifted to place her head on my arm, cozily aligning her body with mine and burying her face into my chest.

"I-I thought we were supposed to keep our distance?" I cleared my throat as Y/N shook her head, causing her nose to brush against my chest.

"Not when you're turned on and obviously need to touch me." She whispered and I looked at her surprised.

"Y/N, I—"

"It's okay... touch me." She mouthed, looking at me with inviting eyes. "You don't have to be uncomfortable."

"Y/N," I was stunned into silence for a few short seconds. "While I would love to touch you," Clearing my throat awkwardly, I caressed her face. "Simply erm... touching you won't help my 'little problem' right here."

"Oh." Y/N trailed off, her face flushed. "But will it not help if I touch you too? I may or may not have seen a couple of videos about that." She confessed extremely quietly as my brows raised.

The image of Y/N watching p*rn was the last straw for me as I felt my breaths getting shallower at the very thought of her eyes wide with surprise and her rose petal mouth parted in sinful realisation as she watched the unfamiliar but undeniably sensual activities unfold in front of her.

"Wha—What exactly did you watch?" I glanced at her as Y/N looked down bashfully.

"It was kind of dirty." She licked her lips, not meeting my gaze. "I'm still disgusted because I—"

"Liked it?" I smirked. "That's okay, doll. You don't have to be embarrassed. Everyone learns about these things one way or another." I chuckled, caressing her hair. "Just make sure to not rely on such content too much. It can be misleading at times."

"I won't since you promised to teach me slowly." Y/N blinked up. "We need to start somewhere for me to learn, right?"


Jimin looked at me like he couldn't believe his ears. It was the first time I'd seen him so adorably flustered and my heart was bursting with excitement... the kind of excitement I hadn't felt even when I was watching the racy video on the internet.

"Are you sure?" Jimin's voice was uncharacteristically hoarse as he licked his lips, clearly trying his best to hold back.

"Well, I think taking a little step forward is alright." I mumbled, nodding.

"I'm going to make you feel so good." Jimin smirked as I flashed him a small smile.

"As long as you don't gloat about it later."

"Okay, shh." He suddenly pressed his finger to my lips, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I need you to focus on my touch." He whispered and I nodded, biting my lip as his hand trailed down my throat to cup one of my breasts. Heat flooded to my nether regions as I felt my nipples stiffening almost immediately. I reddened.

But Jimin didn't let me dwell any further on my embarrassment as he pressed his mouth onto mine, gently coaxing me to kiss him back. I let out an audible shudder as his fingertips gently slipped down my ribcage, caressing the spots I never knew were so sensitive and then rounded up to thumb my stiff nub, almost eliciting a surprised cry from me.

"Does that feel good, baby?" He murmured softly as I moaned in approval. Smiling into the kiss, he continued to trace patterns over the worn out fabric of my T-shirt as his fingers brushed over my skin, almost as if he were playing a stringed instrument.

"Oh god." I squealed, arching my back as his nails gently glided along my pelvic bone leaving behind pleasing shivers. It was a sweet, tickling sensation that kept on building as Jimin claimed my mouth, delving his tongue into my moist warmth while his hands slowly traced every single inch of my body with feather light touches that sent tingles down to my toes.

"Let me touch you too." I gasped as we pulled apart to catch our breaths and cautiously reached out to touch his bulge, causing Jimin to groan.

"I don't want to disgust you, baby." Jimin swallowed thickly as his throat bobbed. "But if you keep touching me like that I'm going to ruin my pants."

I bit my lip, contemplating whether or not to follow what I'd seen in one of the videos. Fvck it, I thought and climbed on top of him. "I think I can help you some more."

Jimin looked at me confused, his eyes wide as his hands came to rest on my waist. "Um, what exactly are you trying to do, Y/N?"

"Don't look at me that way. It makes me self-conscious." I blushed, placing both my hands on either side of his head and hovering on top of him before straddling him. It was absurd at first. I felt extremely aware of his body underneath mine and didn't exactly know how to proceed.

When I looked to Jimin for help, he simply gripped my chin, staring at me intensely, his dark eyes fiery with an unfamiliar passion. "You're making it so hard for me to hold myself back." He remarked quietly.

Refusing to be intimidated, I started to grind against him gently, letting his hands guide me. I almost thought I was doing something wrong until the slight tremor in Jimin's taut abs told me that I wasn't. His grip on my waist tightened as a low groan fell from his lips, causing him to throw his head back into the pillow.

"I-I feel something... wet." I stuttered, as Jimin bucked his hips, our bodies separated by nothing but his clothes and the thin layer of my panties, which was now drenched.

It took Jimin a few seconds to catch his breath before he glanced at me, a lopsided grin on his handsome face. "Well, do you have any tissues?"

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