19 | smooches and seduction

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(grab your holy waters beforehand because this chapter is going to be very unholy)


"So..." I trailed off aimlessly, sneaking a quick glance at Jimin who was sitting behind me, his breathing extraordinarily calm and stable for someone who had carried my full weight for a good twenty minutes after physically exerting himself all day.

"So... what?" Jimin chuckled lowly, deliberately copying my nonchalant tone, causing me to smack his forearm and him to retract into a fit of dramatic whines of pain followed by silent, amused laughter as I shook my head, trying to get onto my feet to leave.

"Yah, who said you could leave?" Jimin was quick to grab my arm, his laughter fading away as he clamped his legs close, effectively trapping my body within his embrace once again.

"Don't mess with me, Jimin." I huffed unhappily as my back came into contact with his chest giving him the perfect opportunity to slowly slide his wayward hands all the way up my thighs to finally wrap around my waist tightly.

I could feel my heartbeat quicken as despite my squirming his fingers continued their ascent, relentlessly trailing up, gently groping and squeezing until an involuntary sigh escaped my mouth.

His voice seemed to get closer as his warm breath fanned my cheek, his chin resting on my shoulder. "Are you annoyed, Princess?" He purred softly and I could practically visualise the satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

He knew I couldn't get away now.

I was already trapped, literally.

Under his persistently invasive touch, I was reduced to nothing more than a powerless and thoughtless puddle of goo, my brain shutting down and all my senses zeroing onto the fiery trail of sensations his fingertips left across my skin.

"Uhh," I reiterated lamely, my thoughts a jumbled mess as I desperately tried to form some intelligible words but all that came to my mind was Jimin.

I groaned. How did he expect me to answer him when his hands kept on growing bolder and bolder?

Jimin chuckled, the sound rich and velvety. "Are you angry, baby girl? Is that why you can't answer me?" He provoked me teasingly, tugging my hoodie down my shoulder and grazing his teeth across a particularly sensitive spot as I hissed in surprise.

"You're crazy, Jimin." I started fiercely only to feel myself clenching involuntarily as Jimin kissed his way up my bare neck, softly sucking on my jaw and finally flicking his tongue across my earlobe while his free hand lowered between my legs, his thumb resting right over my clitoris.

I froze, heat flooding my veins as his hand lightly cupped my womanhood through my leggings, unmoving but still perfectly capable of reducing me to a slick, dripping mess.

Cheeks flushed, I waited with baited breath, silently praying for my arousal to not betray the state of my mind even as his fingers brushed across the sensitive bundle of nerves, a devilish smirk lifting up the corner of his lips as he gazed down at me with a hooded expression.

"I know you're wet, baby." He whispered conspiratorially into my ear, gently spreading open my thighs that I'd clenched together to hide the damp proof of my desire. "And you're absolutely beautiful to me right now—" He leaned in closer as I sucked in a harsh breath, shocked into silence at the way my body was reacting to his proximity.

"Stunned into absolute submission and too wound up in your own pleasure." He laughed lightly, making my head spin with want.

Why did his voice have to be so irresistibly husky?

"A pretty wordless doll who's too sensitive to do anything but moan." Jimin continued, grinning silently as a muffled, unguarded moan fell from my lips.

"Y-you a-are a tease." I swallowed, trembling as he pressed a kiss to my cheek, smiling against my skin. "Wh-why are you doing this?"

In a split second, I was facing Jimin as he tipped my chin up with a playful smile, tilting his head to the side and locking eyes with mine.

His thumb dragged across my lower lip as his eyes shone under the dim light. "Isn't it obvious? Because I love teasing you."

He pressed a kiss right underneath my lower lip as my eyes fluttered close on instinct. "And because I love annoying you."

Another peck.

"Getting you all fired up gives me immense satisfaction." He finally locked lips with me, grinning into the kiss.

"It's like a kick of adrenaline."

He had been teasing me the whole time! For his own amusement no less!


"Because you're cute. And incredibly addicting. I just can't get enough of you." He answered before I could even complete my question. "It's the same question but I can go on and on about the answers, Y/N. You're like a favourite toy that I won't ever get tired of playing with...quite literally." He laughed.

"You're dangerous, Jimin." I whispered, breathless as he pressed his forehead against mine, his touch extremely innocent now. "You keep switching colours like a chameleon. What's gotten into you?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just too excited to have you here with me. It's like giving tonnes of candy to a kid. I just can't resist it." He admitted cheekily as I gaped at him.

Was he seriously spouting these soft, romantic lines and making innocent candy-child comparisons after literally making me ruin my panties?

"Sure you are." Gesturing to the very obvious tent in his pants, I nodded. "Junior Jimin looks very excited too right now."

Lest I got any redder than I already was, I straightened, separating myself from Jimin and running out of the studio before he decided to follow me like the devil that he was.

I didn't think I was going to last even one more day if Jimin kept on changing moods like this—one moment a gentle and vulnerable, adorable childhood best friend turned lover and another, a sinful, homme fatale who made me want to throw all caution to the wind and plunge myself into the fiery pit of passion.

I needed a cold shower. Right now!

Slamming the door to the bedroom shut, I heaved a sigh of relief as I heard Jimin's footsteps pause right outside the door.


"Nope." I yelled. "Don't you dare come inside before I'm ready for bed. That's your punishment for being a horny little tease all day."


A/N: This chapter wasn't originally a part of the CAK series on Instagram. I added it today for little added hotness to this book ;)

I hope you enjoy reading another one of Jimin x Y/N's risqué adventures.

The original story will remain the absolute same but I might add in some additional chapters to give you guys more deeper insight into the story, which due to obvious limitations I couldn't do earlier while posting the series on IG.


Cigarettes & Kisses | P.JM 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now