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Warning: Mature Content. Do not proceed if you don't like reading such sexual content.


"No, you're not." Jimin stated. "You're just..."

"Shut up, Jimin." I interrupted him. "I mean it. I'm ready."

Involuntarily licking my lips, I glanced at him. "Please."


"Can you stop thinking already, Jimin? You're such a coward!"

Jimin stared at me firmly. "Provoke me all you want. It's not going to work."



"You leave me with no other option then." I shrugged, feeling extremely bold all of a sudden.

One thing was for sure, I wasn't going to lose anything by doing what I was about to do next...other than my virginity.

And Jimin was the only one I wanted to have my first time with. And now.

Still sitting in his lap, I reached back to take off my bra, eyes fixed on Jimin's as he cursed under his breath.

"You did not just—"

"I did. And you should be thankful instead of acting all upright and not taking what I'm willingly offering you."

"You're—oh god, why are you doing this to me, Y/N?" He groaned, closing his eyes. I waited with a bated breath watching him take a few deep calming breaths before he looked at me again.

"Don't you regret this later." He looked at me straight in the eye before grabbing the back of my neck and crushing his lips on mine. "Because I'll never be able to forgive myself."

"I won't ever forgive you if you don't fvcking stop talking and make love to me right now." I snapped, reaching forward to unbutton his shirt. "You...have no idea how much courage it's taking me to say all of this. So don't embarrass me!" I whispered, growing bashful under Jimin's suddenly unwavering gaze.

I'd never in my wildest dreams thought that our relationship would take such a turn.

"Oh baby," Jimin whispered against my mouth as he got rid of his shirt, leaving us both topless. "Trust me when I say I've had wet dreams about this very moment for the past six years!"

Mouths moving in sync, I let him lift me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, groaning in frustration when he pulled back to look at my flushed face. "Where are we going?" I asked him curiously.

"To our bedroom." Jimin whispered hurriedly as I shook my head.

"Take me here." I whispered back, continuing to place soft kisses across his face. It was like the sex crazed demon inside me had been unleashed.

"We'll have plenty of chances to do it in the bedroom later."

Jimin's eyes darkened as he laid me on the floor, smirking. "Says the one who was wondering what the scenario would be on her first day here and is lying half-naked under me on the second.

"Shut up." I blushed harder as Jimin proceeded to hook his fingers into the waistband of my shorts before pulling them off and then looking at me mischievously as his eyes fell on the lace panties. A sense of déjà vu took over me and that's when reality finally struck me.

I gasped as Jimin spread my legs apart, looking at me intently. "If you want me to stop, just say the word and I'll stop. Anytime." He spoke in a firmly reassuring manner as I quietly nodded in understanding.

Cigarettes & Kisses | P.JM 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now