4 | dumplings and desires

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If Satan came to lure me right now, I would have happily faked ignorance and followed him if that meant slowing down the time that was quickly ticking away.

I had spent the last two hours pacing around my room, freaking out about the kisses that I supposedly owed to Jimin.

You better be prepared.

I let out a frustrated groan. How exactly did he want me to prepare? Did he think I was going to feel self-conscious and repeatedly rinse my mouth with mint mouthwash, chew breath fresheners and constantly do breath checks or what?

Shaking my head, I opened my mouth and blowed hard onto the palm of my hand, not realising that I was doing exactly what I didn't want to. Despite constantly trying to make myself believe that I didn't want to kiss Jimin, I was acting like an inexperienced high schooler about to have her first kiss.

"I've never regretted having a minty breath so much before." I mumbled under my breath, eyeing the picture of Korean dumplings that had popped up on my SNS feed.

"Should I try eating something garlicky? Once bitten and twice shy, that jerk will never ask to kiss me again." Snickering to myself, I tried to imagine Jimin's face when he'd lean in to kiss me, only to be forced to pull away due to the strong odour.

But all that came to mind was a flustering image of Jimin's heated, liquid gaze as I pictured him cupping my face and deepening a rather innocent peck into an open mouthed French kiss.

"Woah," I shook my head, slapping myself on the cheeks repeatedly. "I must be insane."

"Insanely hot!" Someone spoke and almost on a reflex, my head turned towards the window, a small shocked gasp leaving my mouth as I saw Jimin sitting on my windowsill, his lean frame allowing him to sit comfortably in the small space as he waved at me dramatically.

Repressing my frustration, I pinched the bridge of my nose before letting out a sigh and walking towards him. "When the fvck are you going to stop giving me a heart attack, Jimin? Can't you act like a normal human being and use the door?"

"I did use the door last time but that didn't seem to help much." The boy answered cheekily as I blinked. He did have a point there. It wasn't his fault that he was sneaky as fvck and I, a total klutz was as jumpy as a person could be.

"And how many times have I told you to stop perving on me?" I crossed my arms, suddenly feeling conscious as my brain processed the fact that he'd just called me insanely hot to my face.

"Who said I was talking about you?" Jimin smirked, knowing exactly what I was talking about. "You must think pretty highly of yourself, huh?" He taunted, holding up a bag of takeout food.


"I was talking about these." He shook the bag in front of my face, lips pulled into a crooked smile.

Speechless, I shut my mouth wanting to bury myself six feet under. I was mortified.

"Oh come on now, don't be embarrassed." Jimin chided teasingly but I didn't miss the amused undertone in his voice. Regardless of what he spoke, he was greatly enjoying toying with me, teasing me with stupid innuendos and watching my reactions.

"Oh please," I decided to fake my confidence. There was no way I was going to let him intimidate me so easily. "I'm just thinking how very annoying you are."

"At that rate you should absolutely detest me when I kiss you, no?" Jimin stood up, placing the paper bag on my table before stepping towards me, his gait relaxed. Swallowing hard, I stepped backwards, clenching and unclenching my sweaty hands.

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