2 | propositions and promises

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The next day, it certainly felt weird knocking on Y/N's door after so long but I was already here. There was no going back now.

Heart beating fast, I grinned nervously as Mrs. Lee answered the door, staring me up and down confused.

But then her disoriented expression morphed into one of pleasant surprise as she threw me a kind smile, familiar warmth seeping into me.

"Isn't it Park Jimin?" She mumbled fondly. "It's been years since I last saw you. You've become such a handsome young man, oh my world."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee." I smiled back, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.

The only probable reason that she was still nice to me was because she hadn't heard about how much I'd changed in the past few years. "I was wondering if—" I started but she already knew what I wanted to ask.

"Oh come right in by all means. Y/N is in her room. I'm sure you already know where that is." Even though a genuine smile graced her lips and tender affection shone in her eyes, I didn't miss the little faint ring of hesitation in her voice.

Even though she was glad to see me, it was clear that she didn't really understand why I decided to suddenly show up at their door after not visiting for years.

Nevertheless, she led me in and then quickly walked to the kitchen. "I'll bring some snacks for you guys, then. You can go ahead, Jimin-ah. Y/N will be elated to see you."

I held back an amused smile. If only she knew how much her daughter detested me now.

"Thanks, Mrs. Lee." I smiled politely and ambled towards Y/N's room, a confused frown making way onto my face as I noticed the lack of the barbie posters that I'd expected to be stuck onto her bedroom door. Guess she didn't like barbies anymore.

That made sense...since she herself was a doll now.


"Owh, that mannerless jerk!" I scowled, throwing a glance at my window as I sauntered into the bedroom, a fluffy white towel wrapped around my damp body and a separate towel wrapped around my freshly washed hair.

I loved how I smelled like strawberries and vanilla and since it was the weekend, I had every intention of putting on the comfiest pair of pajamas I owned and spending the day rolled up in my sheets, binge watching my favourite Disney movies.

But since Park fvcking Jimin had this remarkable ability to always take over my thoughts at the most inappropriate of times and ruin my mood, I found myself dwelling over old memories again. "He used to be such a cutie. Gosh, I can't believe I adored someone who turned out to be this rude. All he has now is a nasty attitude and that cursed addiction. Ugh, what a waste of that gorgeous face."

Tsking angrily, I opened my wardrobe to grab my panties. Since I planned to stay in, it was unnecessary making myself uncomfortable and wearing a bra. Shrugging, I threw the panties and the newly washed pair of favourite pajamas onto the bed, shimmying towards the mirror to dry my hair and do my skincare.

"Lace?" A dangerously familiar voice mused from behind me, laced with a wicked amusement and a teasing, husky undertone that I greatly dreaded.

There was no way!

"I didn't peg you to be a lace kind of woman, Lee Y/N. That's kind of naughty of you."

I didn't dare turn around as the person continued, almost playful if not downright mocking. At that moment, I preferred to die rather than turning around and facing the smirking devil in my literally naked state because I already knew who it was.

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