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Warning: Mature Content 🔞🔞



"Jimin, I'm not going anywhere!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening as he narrowed his gaze at me before lifting me up bridal style as soon as we stepped into our new house. I wrapped my arms around his neck quickly and laughed.

"You're giving me anxiety by hurrying like this. I've never seen you so desperate."

Jimin had changed a lot in the past two years. It was like all of a sudden the level of his confidence had hit an all new high.

He had grown extremely motivated, constantly pushing himself to do better and to come up with even better choreographies with the rest of the boys, enough for them to have a commercial dance studio of their own where they trained potential future idols as well as other students aiming to be professional dancers.

Their dance group named as 'Bangtan' was now the most popular street dance group in Korea, appearing in numerous dance shows, commercials and even K-Pop reality TV shows, choreographing dances for various debutante and established K-Pop idols.

Needless to say, Jimin slowly developed into a whole new person. I knew fame tended to have that effect on people, so I didn't really pay much mind to it until I started seeing the effects of the new things that he was rapidly imbibing into his energetic, fresh out of college, youthful personality in our daily life as a young, live-in couple.

He was suddenly a lot more handsome, a lot more seductive in his actions and possessed the unruffled, sophisticated vibe of someone successful.

But despite how much he was slowly changing, I wasn't in the least worried;  because if there was one thing that hadn't changed about him, it was his love for me.

He was learning to express himself a lot better, to let out his innermost thoughts sans inhibition and to lean on me without feeling embarrassed about it.

It made my heart flutter every single time when he came back home after a long day of dancing and fell right into my arms as if he'd been missing my touch all day, or just dragged me to bed at every single opportunity he got, insisting that he needed to make up for all the time he was gone by either cuddling the hell out of me or making love to me like there was no tomorrow.

I couldn't help but grow more and more fond of him—perhaps, fond wasn't the right word to describe the excruciating need I felt to always have him by my side—as he slowly evolved from the reckless, self-destructive teenage boy with a devil may care attitude to a perfectly well-balanced, emotionally stable man who knew to channel his passion and energy into the all right things at the right time.

When we first moved in, we were like two best friends who were very much sexually attracted to each other but still always bickered continuously and did not really think of the life ahead.

But as we slowly and inevitably started to see each other more and more as people we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with and less as two casual lovers living together, the chemistry changed.

It was like we were walking on eggshells around each other while the sexual tension just kept on growing, leaving us tight lipped as both of us tried to navigate through the changing phases of our relationship to get to a newer and a much more challenging one.

And my parents saw that. Apparently Jimin did too. It was clear we couldn't be anymore in love than we already were and despite our relatively young age, neither was any of us unsure about what we wanted.

Cigarettes & Kisses | P.JM 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now