10 | truth and truce

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"Y/N? Why are you back so soon? Weren't you on a date with Hyunwoo?" My sister mouthed softly, confusion evident on her face as she opened the door to let me in.

"Don't mention him in front of me from now on." I answered, entering the house but her eyes were already on somebody behind me, widening with each passing second.

"Yah, why is he following you here?" She whispered harshly, pulling me to the side as Jimin stepped inside with a sheepish expression.

Initially, he hadn't wanted to spend the night at my house but knowing how his strict father was going to react to his late arrival, I had finally persuaded him to follow me to my house and stay for the night. Not in my room of course, since I was sharing my room with my sister until she was here.

"Eonni please, I'll explain everything. Just let him crash here for the night." I gave her my best meaningful look before steering in Jimin by his arm.

"You're going to have to sleep in the living room. Take the couch." I whispered hurriedly to him as he nodded looking a bit confused. I raised my eyebrows, pulling my lips into a thin line, urging him to quietly do as I said. "I'll bring you a blanket and a pillow later."

"Y/N, stop!" I could feel that my sister was growing impatient now. Normally, she wasn't the kind of person to make an issue of things but it seemed she couldn't hold back tonight.

The way Jimin and I were once again on good terms and the way he had followed me here in the middle of the night without an invitation from my parents, looking all shabby and beat-up was surely going to raise some eyebrows.
And my sister was not an exception.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand why you're acting like this. So you better sit down here and explain things right now if you want him to stay the night." She looked at me pointedly, an air of unflinching finality in her tone.

"The least you can do is give me an answer!" She pressed. "I sent you on a blind date with Hyunwoo and you come back with Jimin? What in the world even happened? And how can you expect me to just let this boy stay when I know how much he-"

"Eonni!" I groaned in frustration, cutting her off before she and her careless words could worsen the situation even more.

Gosh, how I absolutely hated my life these days. When people didn't want explanations from me, didn't ask for them; I was over eager to go explaining myself and now that someone was outrightly asking for an explanation, I didn't want to give it.

"It wasn't a blind date at all. The only ones who were blind were you and me." I muttered wearily. Just like you'd said, I thought that he was a really nice guy as well but as it turned out...appearances aren't always trustworthy." I looked at her, feeling helpless. "Did you know what he did before he went to America?"

"No..." Joohee trailed off, visibly addled. "Why are you bringing that up though?"

"Eonni, he was a bully! An absolutely unconscientious one at that. When Jimin's mother died five years ago, Hyunwoo went around spreading rumors about the whole incident and bullied Jimin endlessly until he was finally suspended. He was hurriedly sent to the States when you were about to get married, doesn't that ring a bell?"

"I do vaguely remember something like that happening." My sister nodded, looking befuddled from the unexpected information. "I never expected Hyunwoo to do anything of that sort. He looked like a perfectly nice boy."

"Well, he's not." I distractedly gestured Jimin to go sit on the couch as he was just standing there awkwardly, watching our exchange wordlessly.

"Sure, one can think that five years in a foreign country can change a person but he's still just the same. When Jimin first interrupted our date, I was actually furious at him for acting so obsessively but you know what that bastard Hyunwoo said to him? You'll be shocked." I took in a deep breath, trying not to shake with anger. "That he should leave if he didn't want to end up like his dead mother!"

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