18 | teasing and temptation

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"Okay Jimin, that's enough!" I giggled, squirming as I turned to face Jimin who was busy planting kisses to my shoulders, an unapologetically mischievous and cheeky smile on his face as he pulled away, shrugging.

"What am I supposed to do then? How can I just watch and do nothing when you look that delectable?" He licked his lips slowly, eyes darkening with a clearly amorous intent as they roved over my body playfully.

I gave him a look. "I thought we promised to not be irresponsible?"

"Can't a guy look?" Jimin responded, stepping towards me with a teasing smirk. "Also since when did simple staring and touching start being considered as irresponsible, hmm?"

Before he could reach out and touch me again, I quickly turned around with a deliberately straight expression, keeping my arms crossed over my chest as a sort of shield.

"We've just moved in, Jimin. And what do you think is going to happen if this is the scenario of erm—the things between us... on the very first day?" I repositioned myself, trying to look intimidating but one large step from Jimin was enough to shatter whatever little shreds of confidence that I'd managed to piece together.

"You understand what I'm saying, r-right?" I stuttered unconsciously and then realising my mistake, cursed under my breath.

"Mhmm." Jimin hummed, continuing to lean forward even after he had covered every bit of remaining distance between us, his arm resting comfortably on the cool glass cabinet behind me as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"I do understand you, doll. Loud and clear. I just don't think that if this scenario of things between us..." He smirked as he reiterated my very words. "leads to us having sex, it would be a bad thing... unless," His lips caressed mine tantalisingly, the sexual tension between us paramount. "—you're afraid you won't be able to resist me once I touch you down there."

I gasped, heat rising to my cheeks.

Why was he teasing me so much? That's what he had been doing all day!

This boy didn't know how to keep his hands to himself and I was starting to feel a little hotheaded and damp from the number of times he'd "accidentally" brushed against me while moving things, or wrapped his hands around my waist, his naughty hands sneaking underneath the layers on the pretext of taking a short break.

I suppose I could try to be understanding about his all-consuming urges to touch me or establish physical contact with me, since doing that was one of the most basic needs for a human and because, he wasn't just any human but my boyfriend who was clearly head over heels for me and who was probably about to die from his sexual frustration due to his lack of intimacy with me for over a week!

But I just couldn't help the sense of trepidation that took over me every time he looked at me with those seductive eyes.

Dark, sinful eyes full of promises of endless nights of passion and pleasures that refused to reach a breaking point and seemed too heavenly to be of this earth. Eyes burning with a desire so deep and carnal that I was afraid of it consuming me until I was nothing but a moaning, writhing mess under his powerful, svelte body.

That gaze could really mess with my head sometimes and I was afraid of being swept along with his passion only to disappoint him later.

"What are you thinking about?" Jimin's amused chuckle pulled me out of my reverie as I blinked stupidly at him. "Surely not daydreaming about all the dirty things I could do to you?" He whispered sneakily as I made a disgusted face.

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