6 | misunderstanding and mischief

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The only reason I didn't scream and raise hell upon waking up was because I was too speechless to even say anything.

It wasn't everyday that I found myself waking up in the bed with a shirtless Park Jimin, our bodies intimately entangled and huddled underneath a bright pink barbie comforter.

What was worse?

I was practically feeling the man up.

My eyes trailed down Jimin's body from where my cheek was flattened against his chest. My eyes widened as I noticed that my arm was resting around his bare waist and my leg was wrapped around his thighs while I was hugging him comfortably, putting almost all of my weight on his side as if he weren't a person but my personal cuddle pillow instead.

I realised I couldn't move either because it wasn't just me who was clinging on to him. Jimin seemed to have sneaked his arm under my pillow during the night and his other hand rested dangerously close to my body, just inches away from touching my waist as if he'd been spooning me earlier.

My cheeks reddened.

Why in the world was he even here?

As I was trying to slowly disentangle my limbs from his body, I felt him groan and whine softly in his sleep as he turned to face me, his arm slipping around my waist just like I'd imagined. It was almost ridiculous how comfortable he looked, his breathing so calm that I wouldn't even have noticed his chest moving had I not been pressed against it.

A smile threatened to tug at my lips as I took in his sleepy face but I froze when I felt him pulling me closer, his warm hand gently squeezing my waist as he let out a soft snore telling me that he was in fact deeply asleep. So much that even his hair falling into his face wasn't bothering him.

Biting my lip, I reached out to brush it out of his eyes and gently, very gently proceeded to push his hand off my waist, trying to roll away and get out of bed before any one of my parents came upstairs to wake me up.

That would be a disaster!

"Y/N-ahh, it's ten o' clock already. Aren't you going to wa—what is going on!?"

"I swear I don't know, eomma." I screamed shocked and pushed Jimin away, scrambling to get out of bed, completely forgetting that Jimin was shirtless...

...and his hoodie, the fvcking hoodie that I thought I had dreamt about last night, was actually lying on the bed. My bed.

Gosh, I didn't even want to look at my mother's face right now.

No amount of explanation was going to set this misunderstanding right. I was fvcked.

"Come downstairs for breakfast." My mother then instructed quietly without asking any more questions and left the room leaving me stunned.

That...was all?

"Oww, what the hell, Y/N! Did you really have to kick me that hard?" Jimin groaned hoarsely.

I whipped around to find him lying uncomfortably on the cold wooden floor as he rubbed his head, face scrunched up in pain.

"My mom saw us!" I grabbed his hoodie and threw it at him. "Put this on and get out of here right now!"

"Why?" Jimin asked, sitting up vehemently.

"MY MOM SAW US, YOU DUMBHEAD! Need I say more?" I cried in frustration. "I'm in so much trouble now. She's going to kill me!" I glared at him. "And it's all your fault."

Jimin slipped on his hoodie, crossing his arms as he pursued his lips thoughtfully. "Isn't that another reason for me to stay? To help explain things?"

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