48. Crippling Strike

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"Stone Cabin: Offensive Technique, Hundred Layered Nature Defense!" A series of stones, rocks, and vines encircle the elf.

"Blood Prison!" I put an additional layer of thick blood. "Back off!"

A massive explosion occurs, deafening our ears. But the layers of protection we applied is enough to put a stopper.

"Oh jeez, that one can actually destroy the entire city," Aelita notes.

"That finishing move is strong, I agree," I say, "these elves aren't your run-on-the-mill mages. They're pretty dangerous."

"Aelita! Vio!" John calls out, flashing his small smile.

"John!" Aelita leans forward, hugging John tightly. John returns her hug with one of his own, and for a moment they interlock.

"Are you fine, Vio?" A soft voice startles me.


His and my arms extend toward each other, locking us in a tight hug accompanied by Aelita's teases (as if she had not done the same just half a minute ago).

"Why are you here?" I ask after breaking off the hug.

"I've been posted here for months," he replies, flashing his smile.

Principal Valeron coughs. "Excuse me, Ms Vonville. I don't wish to obstruct your–er–romantic adventures, but we need your help down there. The snakes destroyed half the city and many people are trapped underneath the rubble."

Darryl and I nod. "We'll leave the corpses to you, Principal," I say. He wipes his falling tears and nods forcefully.

Outside, Aelita and John are lifting the rubble and boulders, saving the people underneath. Darryl goes to the makeshift hospital in the untouched southern part of the city.

"Blood Chains!" Ropes and chains of blood grab the boulders, allowing the police to protect the clinging lives.

The exhaustive and difficult ends at night after heavy machinery is brought to play (they figured out that Imperial Guards are better at blasting buildings than they are at evacuating people). Temporary tents are set up, supplies are brought in from other cities, and the wounded has been tended to in makeshift hospitals (and the few real hospitals).

John, Aelita, and I have given up our private dormitories in Plywood to be used as hospitals and we opt to stay in a large tent instead. Light rain hails from the dark sky and the Moon is not visible.

"Dita Luxor."

The three of us almost immediately spit out the same name. "Dita Luxor summoned all the snakes, we know that. But what about the elves?" Aelita wonders.

"The Empire," I mutter.

"What?" John and Aelita ask simultaneously.

"The Empire is trying to make peace with Irvine. Remember, Dita Luxor wasn't seen during the assault–only the elves were. Of course they're the mad Purists, but only one country is strongly associated with elves."

"Erwing," Aelita gasps.

"Are you saying that the Empire is trying to turn Irvine against Erwing?" John chirps in.

I scratch my head for I, too, don't know for sure. "Maybe."

"Excuse me," Darryl's soft voice interrupts, "may I come in?"

"Come in!" we answer.

Darryl's pale face couples with his shaky legs. He forces a small smile.

"Oh, gosh, Darryl," I gasp. I encircle his arm around my neck as I guide him to lay on a bed. "What happened to you?"

"I consumed too many mana potions," he replies as Aelita heals him. Mana potions temporarily boost mana recovery rates, but causes fatigue after some time.

"What? Why would you do that?" I ask.

"There are too few healers here," he murmurs, "everyone has to take extra potions to keep the people from dying. We contemplated asking Aelita for help, but doing so would doom many citizens still trapped underneath the rubble, so, yeah, everything's a mess."

An eerie silence occurs as Aelita silently returns the color of Darryl's face.

"Why weren't more healers called from other cities?" I ask, breaking the quiet. After all, Irvine has no shortage of healers–at least forty four major academies of healers are scattered across Irvine, as opposed to only nine major academies for battle mages.

"Because all nine academies were attacked simultaneously. Seven were destroyed and all their staff and students slaughtered," Darryl replies, his eyes sharply staring at mine.

"All–all nine?! That's impossible!" Aelita cries. John and I look at each other, our mouths gaping like koi.

"Only Blazewing and Plywood stayed intact. Casualties are estimated at around three million dead, since most academies are located near major cities," Darryl explains.

"The suicide bombers," I murmur.

And then I felt it.

Like weak candlelight in the middle of the night, I sense two presences on the outskirts. Then, they disappear. Then, they appear again.

"Vio, why so tense?" Aelita asks. I shake my head strongly, refuting her question.

"Wait. How do you know that?" I ask Darryl sharply. Aelita and John roll their eyes at me.

"The news, duh," they simultaneously answer, "we're just too busy to watch the news."

"Oh, yeah, that's right," I say while scratching my head. Gee, since when do I get so suspicious?

"Anyway, Darryl," Aelita asks, "where're you sleeping this night?"

"I have my own tent on the outskirts of the city," Darryl answers. As he stands up on his feet, the faint presence appears again. And then it disappears again.

"How large is it?" I ask.

"Almost as big as yours," Darryl replies.

"Can I sleep there?" I request, triggering bursts of smirks from Aelita and even John.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Darryl flashes a smile. "Let me prepare the tent for a while, 'kay?"

As Darryl leaves, Aelita puts her hands on my shoulder firmly, pressuring my bones. Her eyes stare at me, and then she smirks.

"Listen, I know you have, like, very little experience about this, but you gotta make sure he wears protection, okay?"

I, in turn, place my hands on Aelita, flashing a wide smile.

"Listen, you sex-crazed maniac. I sensed several unknown faint presences out there. Don't sleep too well tonight–if you sleep at all." I glance at John, who awkwardly smiles.

"Are you serious about this?" Aelita asks, her grin fading, "should we warn everyone?"

I shake my head. "It may be nothing. I'll just tell the guards to patrol more closely."

Aelita and John nod. I gather around my bags and personal items and exit the tent.

And the disturbing presence fills my senses again. And then it disappears again.

What is happening there?

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