99. Battle of Pallastria

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Nothing much occurs in the peace period. Madam Fron ransacks and loots the Princess of Terror's hideouts (apparently she discovers her research into soul magic). Darryl reunites all the vampire kingdoms under his rule. Mr Arctus and Mr Charles are given state funerals in Batavia.

The Joint High Command proposes a few ideas; having Madam Fron freeze the entire continent to enable the heat-sensitive vampires to fight more effectively being one of the more stupid ones. Another one is to have all water mages trigger a massive tsunami in New Trier (rejected for civilian casualties).

Meanwhile, all of the warring nations raise new armies left, right, and centre. Every day hundreds of thousands of demons enter through portals to reinforce the enemy army, while enthusiastic and furious men enlist themselves in Irvine. Soon, as the end of the peace period draws near, the Joint High Command plans the Alliance's next moves. Remi, Joe, John, Aelita, Lita, and I are transferred to Pallastria in the Central Confederacy alongside 400,000 men under Mr Anwar.

Pallastria's atmosphere remind me of Levington; both are gigantic cities, bursting with life. The hustle and bustle of the city seems to not be affected by war ... for now, at least. The very same day that I arrive, Queen Alistia summons me.

I enter the young queen's palace, almost as magnificent as King Arthur's. I am directed by her servants to the throne room. "You called for me, Your Majesty?" I greet with a bow.

"Ah, Violleta Vonville," she greets me. "Come, take a seat."

Awkwardly, Queen Alistia's servants put a chair of marble in front of the throne. "Hmm ... I must say you are rather young. I expected someone older," she says. I keep my silence.

Well, you don't seem much younger than I do, Your Majesty.

"Ah. There's no need for small talk," she says. "I'll be blunt: my army has almost no experienced officers, especially a seasoned general."

"And I, too, shall be blunt: I do not like where this is going." The guards twitch.

The dark-skinned queen smiles. "You are perceptive," she says. "I need you to lead my army."

Damn it!

"I-I think I'm not qualified, Your Majesty."

"Don't be so modest. Prince Pierre himself recommends you." I sit in silence and contemplation. What if I fail again?

"Very well. I accept," I say.

"Wonderful," Queen Alistia says with a faint smile. "Guards, escort Ms Vonville to her new residency."

In solemn silence, the guards direct me to the military headquarters. Mr Anwar is waiting there.

"We'll be working together," he says with his signature warm smile. "Good luck."

"Good luck to you too," I say. With weak legs, I enter my office. Aelita, Lita and Remi greet me.

"Hello!" Lita squeaks.

"Yeah, hello," I say. "Remi, vanguard. Lita, rearguard. Aelita, stay with me. Usual stuff. Where is John and Joe?"

"In the back," Aelita says with a flat face. "Don't disturb them. They are consoling Joe's mother."

Ah, right. I heard Joe's father sold his own wife to the Empire.

"How are they?" I ask.

"Well, how should I put it?" Aelita sighs. "Not good. I mean, her psyche seems to be severely damaged."

"I see," I say with a small sigh. Suddenly, a multitude of auras emerges around us.

"They're here already," I whisper. "Man the forts!"

Remi runs off to lead her vanguard while Lita retreats to the rear. Soon, Aelita and John join me in the watchtower made of bricks. Meanwhile, Joe rejoins Remi.

"Eagle Eye!" Aelita activates her green eyes. "Right, there's Lord Luke. And Lady Clarisse. Huh, are those elves?"

"Mercenaries." Without much sound, Mr Anwar dashes from the ground to the watchtower. He is encapsuled inside of a golden armor and he wears his headband. A golden staff is firmly on his hands. "I'll go first."

"John, are you okay?" I ask. The brown-haired man makes a strong nod.

"What happened to my aunt is tragic, but I'm sure she'll be healed."

We are joined by another familiar figure: Queen Alistia herself. "Your Majesty, what are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to meet my own troops?"

"It's dangerous," I say, my eyes still locked on the battlefield. Chaos begins to swallow the plains. Artillery hurls fireballs and explosives, riflemen engage in brutal shooting contests.

"So I should hide behind the royal palaces while my last bastion is under attack?"

"Vio," Aelita interrupts. "It's Lord Luke. He's attacking our vanguard!"

Damn it! "Let's set out!" I order.

With wings and steeds, we rush to the frontlines. Joe and Remi are holding their ground. "This is for Agatha, bastard!" Remi curses while lunging. "Lightning Bomb!"

"Remi!" I bark. "Calm down!"

Casually, Lord Luke moves his body backwards. "Lightning Bomb!" Lord Luke blasts Remi's abdomen, pushing her back with a dreadful scream.

"Aelita, heal Remi," I say.

"Water Cannon!" Joe raises his hands. A whirlpool of water charges at Lord Luke, but he merely conjures a barrier of fire to quell it.

"John!" I call out. "Blood Puppetry!" For a moment, I manage to immobilize the demon by manipulating his bloodflow.

"Divine Justice!" Three massive blades descend from the sky. At that very moment, Lord Luke breaks my control and he barely manages to dash backwards, avoiding the spell.

He propels himself forward, hurling a massive fireball at Remi and Aelita. "Remi! Aelita!" I call out. My hands begin to shake.

I-I can still feel their aura. They're still alive. Yeah. They must be alive.

"It's over!" he declares, dashing with a blade of thunder. I raise my own sword in vain as the blade nearly pierces my heart.


Out of nowhere, an extended golden staff pushes back the demon Lord. "It looks like I came on time."

"Mr Anwar!"

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