35. Battle of Toulon I

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Mr Charles rushes to our base. "The enemy has arrived. Man your positions!"

John, Aelita, Joe, Agatha, Remi, and I are stationed in the centre to protect Sultan Rakh and Princess Suzuran, near the palace. Madam Fron stand in front of us while Mr Charles prepares to face off Lord Abel on our flank.

"We should have a few days left!" Madam Fron curses. The soldiers scramble to their positions.

There it comes. A massive fleet, carrying millions of demons, vampires, and undead. Their guns begin firing. Dragons and foul wyverns spread terror from the sky, but, alas for them, their fireballs and beams fail to scratch the barrier.

Artillery pounds it mercilessly. Magical lightning and water blasts pummel it, but the barrier stands strong.

Al-Azhar's own batteries fire back, some sinking ships and drowning demons. However, most projectiles are repelled by the Lords, most particularly Lady Jessica, who currently wears a bright yellow suit, and Lord Luke, a man with mastery over fire, water, lightning and wind.

"Here comes the nasty surprise." Madam Fron frowns. Lady Jessica and Lord Luke fly toward the barrier.

"First Daemonium Stage Transformation!" Lady Jessica attains antler horns growing on her head and a bat wing and a bird wing. Lord Luke gains a multicolored armor with red wings.

"Divine Judgement, Ad Infinitum!" Lady Jessica's Divine Judgment, a series of bright lasers striking the barrier one after another, is far superior to John's.

As if that barrage isn't enough, Lord Luke weaves his lightning. "Whirling Thunder!"

Three massive whirlwinds imbued with lightning spell the end of the barrier. A glaring hole is created.

The entire invasion army begins landing, although artillery fire continue to batter them. Concentrated fire from machine gun nests begins to mow down the demons. Lady Jessica leaps into the hole.

"Second Daemonium Stage Transformation! Four Angels Formation: Dove Release!"

Her antlers grow longer and her wings become more menacing. In a very fast movement, she summons a giant dove, not unlike John's own spell.

"Imperfect Metamorphosis, Stage Two!" Madam Fron morphs into a butterfly-humanoid hybrid.

"North Flames: Eye of the Beholder!" Blue flames reach out from Madam Fron's eyes, freezing and burning the dove to death.

"Fronica Moonray!"

Lady Jessica's eyes bolt out. Madam Fron throws her a smirk.

"Very well." Lady Jessica tears her suit, revealing a grey set of armor beneath.

"Implement Plan B," she hisses to her communicator before crushing it with her fingers.

"You have always been so difficult to deal with, Fronica, but I cannot fail here."

"The same goes to you, Lady Jessica, and I, too, cannot fail here."

Lady Jessica draws a dagger and fan, exclaiming, "Four Devils Formation: Lair of Leviathans!" A quartet of red horned humanoids appear.

Madam Fron flies upwards, seemingly ready to counter. To her (and our) horror, the spell, which summons massive leviathans, is cast on the city of Kut.

"The city!" she shrieks as leviathans appear from the underground, wrecking havoc and destroying the city, "why didn't the shield extend to the underground?!" Remi, Joe, and Agatha race to Kut.

Lady Jessica doesn't stay passive after casually annihilating the city. "Dark Salvo!"

Madam Fron raises her hand, and with a whisper of, "Ice Wall!", blocks the rain of dark arrows using a giant wall of frosty ice.

Bird heads bulge out from her four wings. "Quintuple Flamethrower!"

Massive quantities of fire is poured out from her mouth and the birds' mouths, engulfing Lady Jessica in a storm of fire.

"Triple Divine Cube!" Three layers of defensive shields halt the advance of the formless fire.

"Black Fan Slicing Attack!" Lady Jessica's fan, thrown at Madam Fron, enlarges massively. The latter bends backwards, avoiding the slice.

... which continues its uninterrupted course, marching towards us. "Divine Judgement!"

I expect John's blast to decimate the fan, but the latter slices through the former effortlessly. "Blood Shockwave!"

In a last ditch attempt, I repel the fan with a shockwave. The fan returns to its owner. "I can't believe the difference in strength," Aelita mutters.

"Neither can I," I mutter back. My breath turns heavy.

"Aren't we going to do anything?" Aelita asks.

"And get killed?" I reply bitterly, "not to offend anyone, but I'm not really up against those monsters."

I spectate the amazing battle; the fluidity and sheer destruction brought by it truly have no matches. After a series of fire blasts, ice hails, and dark and light bombardments, both Madam Fron and Lady Jessica seem to get more serious.

"Four Devils Formation: Antithesis of Life! Four Angels Formation: Harbinger of Divinity! Polymorph!" Lady Jessica weaves her hands in a complex movement. Two gigantic creatures appear; one an angelic being, another a red humanoid. They morph into a two headed being, at least six hundred metre tall.

"North Flames: Lady Liberty!" Not to be outdone, Madam Fron calls upon an equally powerful humanoid creature, armed with eight huge swords (one for each hand) and a crown of spikes. Its entire body and weapons are made of blue fire.

"Divine Judgement, Ad Infinitum!" Multiple beams, stronger than before, are fired by Lady Jessica's creature. Madam Fron's Lady Liberty opens its butterfly wings, flying and avoiding the beams.

"North Flame: Wave of Annihilation!" A wave of blue fire forces Lady Jessica on the defensive, using her Dark Field to repel the attack.

"Four Devils Formation: Lair of the Leviathans!"

The leviathans created are more powerful and more numerous. Lady Liberty flies upwards with dozens of leviathans chasing.

"Quintuple Flamethrower!" A sea of fire bursts from the mouths of birds on Lady Liberty's wings and her mouth, turning the leviathans into roasted meat.

"Flame Bombardment!" Madam Fron showers Lady Jessica with multiple fire arrows.

"Dark Field!" Deploying a very powerful barrier, Lady Jessica deflects the attack.

Madam Fron continues her barrage. "Storm of Ice Swords!" Gigantic swords fall upon the barrier, penetrating it. Lady Jessica's clumsy creature attempts to retreat, but multiple swords still pierce its skin.

Madam Fron claps and the swords break into ice shards, wounding the enemy.

"Dark Salvo!" Lady Jessica launches a volley of black energy arrows. Madam Fron conjures an ice shield, halting it.

"Divine Judgement, Ad Infinitum!" As Madam Fron is busy fighting off the salvo, she barely dodges the beams. Two manage to punch holes through Lady Liberty's armor.

The Moon has finally been overtaken by the Sun. Light covers the battlefield. I can see sandstorms, perhaps Mr Charles' magic, and foul creatures, Lord Abel's courtesy, in our right flank.

A foreign aura makes my eyes jolt. "Someone's coming!" I warn.

Lord Eugene with his long, shiny, red hair arrives on the centre when Lady Jessica's two headed giant and Madam Fron's armored humanoid are exchanging blows in a chaotic melee.

"Lord Eugene!" Lady Jessica shrieks.

Lord Eugene creates iron disks, using them to reach the wall we are standing on.

"Necromancer's Armor Set! Blood Wings!"

"Divine Archangel!"

"Gaia's Armor!"

As Lord Eugene steps on the walls that we swear to defend, the battle of Toulon truly begins for us.

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