79. Defence of Irvine I

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We return to the Palace. Madam Felicia, the Archdukes, and the generalship and the admiralty are waiting there.

"King Arthur!" All of them bow slightly. "His Majesty is back!"

"I need to be briefed, but before that I have to address Irvine."

King Arthur walks to the balcony. "Irvine! It is I, King Arthur! I have been kidnapped, but I am now free." he speaks to a loudspeaker.

And immediately all the protestors and policemen stop, and then they cheer.

"Not an inch of land shall be given to the invaders!" he reiterates, "Irvine shall prevail!"

The cheers burst into an even louder simultaneous cheer. "That is it. What is happening now?"

Sir Cadogan presents him a digital map projected from an orb.

"Al-Azhar and Francia have capitulated, Sir. An agreement between Archduke Royard and Archduke Isabelle with the Empire will allow them to claim our northern territory in a joint government for our war against Erwing. The war against Erwing, meanwhile, was triggered by the Empire's usage of elven terrorists, which was meant to drive a wedge between Erwing and us."

"It worked well," Madam Fron says.

"It did," Sir Cadogan admits.

"How many men do they have?" king Arthur asks.

"They have landed their forces in two beaches: the Northern Beach and the Central Beach. The northern one is larger, with around four million men. The southern one has around half of that. Also, there is Roenzia's fleet of about 700,000 men that hasn't landed."

King Arthur pinches his forehead. "Ours?"

"For our loyalists, we have about 120,000 that Charles and Arctus are leading here, some 40,000 in Mirakarta, and some 15,000 scattered across Irvine. For the regular army, there are 400,000, most of them stationed in the north. Over half of them are in the northeast, close to the Empire's army."

"So about 575,000 against 6,7 million," King Arthur asserts. "Cadogan, order our troops in the northeast to link up with our northern troops in Fort Pazna."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Send orders to every single noble to raise an army as large as they can. Those west of Batavia shall rally here, those east of Batavia shall rally in Fort Pazna. Send requests for help to Erwing and end that foolish war immediately."

"I will also send requests to Ad Astra and Lutzia, Your Majesty. The latter has switched sides," Sir Cadogan says.

King Arthur nods. "What is our general plan here?"

"We couldn't hope for a win here, Your Majesty. This is my plan: we will order our National Army, 400,000 strong, to retreat south to Pazna. We will hold the enemy off, and then retreat with the National Army's cover. This will buy us time to raise new armies."

"Very well. All are dismissed."

And all goes out, except for Madam Fron, Mr Anwar, and Grandma. 

"Whew. It's a real, full-blown war in Irvine now," Aelita sighs as we gather just outside the Palace. 

"Yeah," John says, "I never thought it would come to this."

A full-blown war. If we lose this one, just like the ones before, what will happen to us? I look at John and Aelita. I have to protect them. It's my duty as captain.

Grandma exits the Palace. "You'll be under my command now," she says. "Get on the warbird again. We're going to Fort Pazna."

Obviously. Imperial Guards always get sent to frontlines

"Madam Vanya, do you really think we can win?" Aelita asks.

"Irvine's tenacity is nothing you have ever seen," Grandma replies. "If you think we will yield, think again."

"So what's our plan, Grandma?" I ask.

"Irvine needs time to raise new armies," Grandma explains, "by amassing our power in Fort Pazna, we will either attract them to battle or threaten their supply lines. Both of them would buy us precious time."

Soon enough, we reach Fort Pazna: a massive fort, defended by thousands of defensive towers and layers upon layers of barriers. Turrets and artillery swarm the fort. "Vanya, it's good that you have come," Madam Fron greets her, "I have bad news. The enemy's vanguard has been spotted."

"Damn it," Grandma curses, "how could they be so fast?"

"It seems that they have copied our own corps system," Madam Fron replies, "come to the inner sanctum, Vanya."

We enter the inner sanctum of the fort. Mr Anwar is counting something on a piece of paper. Everyone else seems distressed; some are pinching their foreheads, many burying their faces in their hands.

"What is happening here?" Grandma asks sharply.

"Ten of our corps have been routed. Three hundred thousand men lost," Madam Fron replies. "The remnants are in full retreat. The casualty ratio is about ten to one."

"Drats. That's over half our army lost. And they barely damaged the enemy," Grandma curses.

Wait, what? Half? HALF?

"How many men do we have here?" Grandma asks.

"Local garrison totals about ten thousand, and we have received about five thousand from local nobles. It'll take time to gather more."

"Fifteen thousand against at least four million ... even Fort Pazna won't save us."

"We need to attack first," Mr Anwar suddenly suggests. "Only the vanguard is near. We stand a chance."

He shows his map. "Seven-man team. Angelita and the Imperial Guards will approach the enemy camp and do a fighting retreat to the Valley of Vala. There, us three will destroy them."

"Good idea," Madam Fron says.

"I won't put my granddaughters at risk, Anwar!" Grandma balks. "I'll do it! I'll be the bait!"

"Vanya, they will run away if you do!" Madam Fron fires back, "the entire point of this plan is to let them try and capture them–Vio, to be exact."

"And that is exactly why I'm not approving this plan! Even if she weren't your granddaughter, you surely know by now how much the Empire wants to capture her!"

"Exactly my point!" Madam Fron argues.

"Alright, calm down," I say. "I'll do it. It's my duty and responsibility."

"What did you say?" Grandma hisses.

"I'm much stronger than before, Grandma. So is Lita. So are John and Aelita. We will execute the plan well, don't worry."

Grandma sighs. She seems to be thinking for a while. "Let them go, Vanya," Madam Fron says, "give them a few decades and we will look like amateurs in comparison to them."

"Fine," Grandma concedes. "But be careful."

"I cannot lose you both. I cannot."

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