101. Amnesia

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He makes me sit on a wooden chair conjured out of nowhere. "Okay, okay. What is it?"

"I'll have to explain about how we demons possess humans. When it happens, the demon and the human will battle for control over the host's body. Usually, the human holds the upper hand initially, but will gradually lose to the demon. A demon possession can last weeks to decades, depending on the magical prowess of both sides." 

"Hmm, makes sense I guess," I say. 

"Hush! Don't interrupt me just yet! The longer the possession happens, the human personality gradually dies out and the demon's personality takes over," he says while banging the oak table in excitement. "But I don't need to possess you. I need to recover and get out."

I nod in silence. "Currently, I control about one percent of your body. If you control the majority, I'm too weak to break out, but if I do, you will be consumed eternally. I don't want you to die; not that I could overpower you on my own."

"Wait, so if you possess me fully, I die?"

"More or less," he says with a grim nod. Then a smile forms on his lips. "But what if we are equally strong? What if you control half of your body and I control the other half?"

"Hmm," I mutter to myself. "I'm not sure, Merango."

"Well, there is no guarantee as to what happens, since demons want to consume the human, not break out like I do. But I speculate that it will allow me to escape from your body while retaining enough energy for you to stay alive. And if I can do so, I should be able to recover my lost memories fully."

"Hmm ... it could be worth a shot, I guess," I say. "But you don't have to drag me down to my subconsciousness just to tell me this."

"I have to. I can't suddenly control 50 percent of you; you must cooperate with me," he says. "And that can only happen when you are here."

"What is happening here?"

Mr Anwar, Lita, Aelita, Remi, John, Joe, and Agnes approach us. Remi and Aelita look ready to explode, their spear and daggers firmly on hand. "I have to explain this to you," Merango says, clearing his throat.

After five minutes of ecstatic and borderline lunatic explanation, Merango finishes. "I think it's worth a try," Mr Anwar says. John and Joe nod in silent agreement.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Remi barks. "You said that if the balance tilts to your favour, Vio will die if you separate yourself from her. How can you say that you will be able to reach the perfect balance?"

"Yeah! If Vio controls even 49,9 percent of her body rather than 50, she'll die, right?" Aelita adds.

"Yes," Merango says faintly. "I will try to the best of my ability, but even I can't guarantee anything."

Lita steps forward. "I think we should leave this to Vio," she says. "It's her decision to make."

"I agree," Mr Anwar says. 

"Wait, wait!" Aelita barks. "You're going to gamble away Vio's life? And for what? For this guy?" She points at Merango.

"Vio, what say you?" Lita asks.

Aelita and Remi are right. It's risky; even Merango himself couldn't guarantee it will work. And who knows what Merango will do after he's released? On the other hand, though, Merango has saved me multiple times.

"I owe my life to Merango. Without him, I'd be dead by now," I say. "I'll take the gamble."

"Vio!" Remi barks.

Lita sighs. "Good luck, Vio," she says with a smile. With that, Agnes' power fades, and they disappear from my mind.

"Grab my hands," Merango instructed. I quietly followed. 

"Hmph!" Merango groaned, and I could see the world around me distorting. In a few seconds, the mountains are no more and a room of sort replaces it. It was an exquisite room, with a jade round table and sturdy wooden chairs. Seven or eight people sit around, yet their body is completely covered with darkness. They are talking, yet I don't know what it is about.

"This is a very integral part of my memory," Merango says. 

"Why do you bring me here?"

"To pass time while I gain control of your body," he says. "It'll take a few hours here, but a few months in real time."

"It looks exquisite," I note. 

"Yeah. I think it's part of my palace," Merango says. "The meeting room, perhaps. Or maybe the throne room."

The environment around us distorts again. This time we arrive on a fortress tower. Masses of darkness clash with each other below. Yet two figures in particular are more complete. "Lady Jessica?" I mutter, recognising one of the black-haired women. 

"Ah, I'm regaining my memories faster than I expected," Merango says. "Yes, that's Lady Jessica. And the one next to her is Lady Hua." I squint my eyes, taking a look at the other woman. She is absurdly muscular and tall, her black hair cut very short. 

"What battlefield is this?" I ask.

"Hmm ... I'm not sure," Merango says. "This is in my kingdom, sure. And if this remains intact then it means this is an important piece."

Soon more confused masses of darkness appear. Among them a few stands out; Lord Abel, Lord Luke, and Lady Sakurako. Then Lord Elliot joins the fray, supported by Lady Caitlyn and Lord Eugene.

"Uuu, so chaotic," I say. "You sure you don't remember this one?"

"If I do the whole situation would be much less complicated," he replies annoyedly, crossing his arms. "But damn, I really feel like this one has so many connections to the previous one."

For a couple hours Merango tours me through his memories, which are clearer and clearer by the passing minute. The figures in the meeting room reveal themselves to be the Lords. At the end, as we're back in the fortress tower, Merango comes to his conclusion. 

"My kingdom was at war with another power," he pointed at the swirling mass of blackness. Against it is an army of demons. "Now, something regarding the war leads someone to try and destroy me."

He grins. "The only questions now are who and what," Merango says. "Prepare yourself, Vio. Just three minutes left." I nod solemnly.

"Two minutes left."

"One minute."

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my chest. The world around me distorts, and I feel myself pulled away from my consciousness. "No! No!" Merango cries. "Don't go!"

Realms of Magic: Demon InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now