98. A Truce

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"Madam Fron!" I gasp. Madam Fron limps towards us. She pockets the Third Eye into a silk pouch. 

"You did it," I say with a bright smile, putting her arm around my neck. The Princess of Terror has been a scourge-and now she's gone.

"Yes. I did," she says. "I feel so free."

A few seconds later, bizarrely enough, the vampires raise their hands to the air with cheers. One of them, an officer, runs towards us with a green flag. He is bald and black skinned, not dissimilar with Mr Charles; the latter is merely more muscular and taller.

"The Princess of Terror is dead," he says, half-asking half-stating.

"Yes, yes she is," I answer. As commander of the rearguard, I should be second in command.

"Then we no longer have to cower in fear anymore," he says.

"Oh! Is that you, Louis?"

"King Darryl!"

"Darryl!" I gasp. I have to fight off the urge to lunge at him.

"Take Fronica to the hospital, Vio. I'll handle the discussion."

"Okay," I say. I take a small glance at the battlefield; land the size of a valley has been destroyed, and only the supreme control of the two over their capabilities prevented a much more horrible destruction.

We rush Madam Fron to the hospital. Nala and her team of healers work around the clock. "You're lucky you called us quickly," Nala informs us. "She doesn't look like she's been hurt much, but most of her internal organs have been damaged."

"She'll be fine, right?" I ask. Nala answers with a simple nod.

Darryl reappears with the man, Louis. "Darryl!" I greet him. "Is everything fine?"

"Excellent," he says. "This is Louis, Duke of Kelvin. He rules the Duchy of Anzia," Darryl says.

"I used to, before the Princess of Terror launched her conquest," Louis says. "Since then we have been forced to fight under her banner. But no more; from now on, we will fight under yours, Your Majesty."

"Excellent," Darryl says. "Have you conveyed this to the other duchies and kingdoms?"

"More or less, Your Majesty."

A bat appears from nowhere. It transforms into Valerie. "Your Majesty," she greets Darryl. "The Council of Monarchs' meeting will begin in six hours. We should prepare."

Darryl quietly nods. "Until then, Vio."

"See you."

One King leaves, another appears. King Arthur arrives, flanked by Madam Felicia and Remi. "Your Majesty," Nala and I greet him with a deep bow.

"Where is Fronica Moonray?" he asks with a heavy voice.

"Inside, Your Majesty," Nala answers. Madam Felicia signs for me to enter.

"Your Majesty," Madam Fron says. She is still on bed.

"I heard you have defeated the Princess of Terror."

Madam Fron couldn't help but grin. "Indeed I have."

"Good. At least we have something going for us," he sighs. "It pains me to say this, but both Arctus and Charles have been killed."

What? How could that be possible?

Remi is about to burst in shock when Madam Felicia grips our shoulders. "Such is the fate of a battle mage; to die in the battlefield," Madam Fron sighs bitterly. "Who killed them?"

"Lady Clarisse took down Arctus, while Lord Elliot defeated Charles," Madam Felicia says. "Autopsy shows that they were both poisoned prior to the engagement."

Madam Fron clenches her heart. "Poison ... could it be Crown?"

Crown. The top enemy agent inside of our ranks. Their name seems to pop out left and right these days. "Perhaps," Madam Felicia says. "Remi, Vio, the Council of Monarchs will hold a meeting. Both of you will accompany King Arthur."

"Huh? Council of what?" Remi asks.

"Council of Monarchs. The leaders of the Alliance," Madam Felicia says. "Off you go."

Six hours later, we accompany King Arthur to the meeting. There are delegates from all major allied nations. King Michel of Elaise, with two dwarven nobles. King Wilhelm of Erwing, alongside Sir Surya and Dame Luna. Queen Alistia, who governs the Confederacy, and a pair of agents. Darryl, Valentine, and Valerie. Mr Piedmont, acting as the scribe, rises from his seat. "

"Without further ado, let us begin this meeting," Mr Piedmont says. "The purpose of this meeting is to decide whether or not to accept Lady Jessica's proposal: a 45-day armistice."

Armistice, huh? It'll be nice to put a stopper to the fighting, even for a moment.

I glance at Remi, who's in shock. King Arthur stands up first. "In my opinion it is wise to accept. We all need time to recover and replenish our armies."

Makes sense, I guess. Most of the major fighting has been in Irvine, involving Irvinian armies.

"But they ask for the truce first. This means that they are in a worse position. If we allow them time, they will use it to summon reinforcements and supplies from their realm," King Wilhelm says. "I say we refuse."

"Aye, I'm with King Wilhelm," King Michel says. "Our fleets will arrive soon. When they do, we'll clobber them right back."

Darryl, with a strange smile, stands. "I think it'll be prudent to accept. With the Princess of Terror and the White Witch dead, their armies have pledged loyalty to Lutzia. But I will need time to reorganize them and install the overthrown vampire kings and dukes back to their place. The armistice will buy us this precious time."

Two against two ... Queen Alistia's word will decide it all.

The young monarch straightens up. "If this war continues, Pallastria is in danger," she says. "I must accept the truce while I raise new armies."

"Three in agreement and two in disagreement," Mr Piedmont says. "The truce is accepted."

The five monarchs leave, either in relief or in disappointment. For the next forty-five days, the war will cease.

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