89. Six Days Campaign III

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"Hmm ... so, yet another failure, Lady Sakurako?" Lady Jessica asks coldly. "I wonder what Lady Hua and Lord Kai were thinking when they sent you here."

Lady Hua? Lord Kai? Who are they?

"Other Lords that reside on the Empire's mainland," Madam Fron murmurs, as if she knew my question. "At least, that's what we understand from communications that we can tap into."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Your apologies cannot revive the hundreds of thousands of men we lost, Lady Sakurako," Lady Jessica says. "Nonetheless, considering the situation, it is perhaps understandable."

"Fronica Moonray and Violleta Vonville are here now. I'll need more reinforcements," Lady Sakurako requests. 

"I cannot send any."

"You have almost four million men under your command and almost one and a half more under your husband's. I have, what, a couple hundred?"

"Under Lord Luke, you mean. Don't try mixing up private and professional businesses. My army is needed for Case Yellow. Lord Luke's will cover us. I'll try and call backup from our world, but I can't guarantee anything."

"I need as many as possible," Lady Sakurako demands. "King Michel the Younger seems reluctant to continue the war. I'm afraid he'll turn against us at this rate."

"He won't risk his wife's safety," Lady Jessica reassures her younger counterpart, "keep her at your watch and all will be fine. I will send my personal guards there to help you."

His wife's safety?

"Fine. My dungeons will not be breached since it's in the centre of the camp, just below the highest tower," Lady Sakurako begrudgingly agrees. "But understand that I have made the dire situation clear."

"You have." Lady Jessica cuts off the communication.

"Michel the Younger's wife?" Madam Fron whispers. "This implies the Empire has taken her captive."

"And using her to force the King's brother to wage war," I add. 

Prince Pierre smashes the table with his fists. "Those deceitful bastards!" he curses. "All that blood spilled for nothing! Nothing but their political game!"

Madam Fron crosses her arms, clearly using all her brainpower to find a solution. "If we can just free her, we can end this civil war immediately."

"Yeah, but it will be risky," I say. "Who knows how strong the defences will be?"

"You're right. At the very least, a few Argentum Sentinels will be there."

"We could divert their attention," Prince Pierre suggests. "We can feign an attack, forcing them to devote their army to handling it."

"Oh, good idea!" Madam Fron and I gasp simultaneously.

I rest for a few days, showered by medals and awards bestowed by King Michel the Elder (who had heard of my exploits, apparently). Everyday I hear songs of praise.

But it is lonely.

There is no Lita. Nor Grandma. Nor Darryl. Nor Aelita. Nor John.

Huft ... the sooner I return, the better.

A few days have passed in silence. "I'll go alone, huh?" I murmur while sharpening a dagger. 

With both Madam Fron and Prince Pierre on the battlefield, I am sent to fetch the King's sister-in-law. "I'll go now, Leon."

"Wish you luck."

Lady Sakurako's headquarter is hidden in a massive rainforest. I venture through the thick forest, bees and flies accompanying me.

The headquarters consist of an array of massive tents and towers. A powerful barrier guards it. "Aelita, you will–oh."

Drats. I forgot.

At that time, I notice a few demons entering the camp: two or three senior officers, accompanied by a band of their concubines. I follow them from a distance. 

"Halt," one guard orders. "You are not allowed entry."

"What? I was with them! I-I just trailed behind!" I protest while pointing at the disappearing group.

The tall guard looks at me for a while. He groans. "Fine. Enter."

"Well, that was easy," I mutter to myself as I step into the camp. 

The camp is almost deserted. The remaining soldiers are drinking and leisurely walking around the camp. The officers are almost all absent; many sent to the battlefield, while some might be spending time with their concubines.

Under the thick clouds, I spot the highest tower of the camp. With the guards gone, I enter through the front door. There's nobody here.

Hmm ... shouldn't there be at least a few left here? Strange. But maybe everyone's busy with themselves. The dungeon is below the tower, right?

I walk towards a (peculiarly) conveniently placed lift. I enter the well-kept lift and press the button "basement", clenching my dagger that I had previously hidden in the folds of my tunics. The dungeon is eerily quiet; no prisoners, no guards, no patrols, nothing. It is as if this place were deserted. "Weird, really weird," I mumbled. 

I hurriedly run through the dungeon halls. I spot a tied dwarf woman in the distance in an isolated cell. That must be her!

I continue to run. Suddenly, I hear a faint click. Thousands of daggers descend from hidden holes. 

Too slow ....

"Blood Prison!" 

Waves of thick blood envelop me, halting the daggers' assault. "Do they really think that'll stop an intruder?"

"Of course they do."

This voice!

Lady Sakurako teleports herself. She now stands in front of me. I glance at the daggers. "Drats! She attached her petals to the daggers!" I whisper to myseelf.

"I have been expecting you, Violleta Vonville," Lady Sakurako says. "Why would I disclose this dungeon's location and lessen the security otherwise?"

"This is a trap ...."

Lady Sakurako weaves a whirlwind of fire, sending them at me. "Blood Vortex!" I cry, unleashing my own whirlwind of blood. 

Kh! She's still much stronger than I am. I shouldn't try to fight her head-on like this. But she's also faster than I am ... how should I approach this battle?

"Blood Mist!" I screamed, producing thick, red, fog. 

I run past Lady Sakurako, a red blade in my hand. "Not so fast!" Lady Sakurako barks. She teleports again, ending up beside me. I swing my free arm, landing an uppercut on her jaws. 

"Flame Breath!" Lady Sakurako emits orange flames from her mouth. 

"Ice Wall!"

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