8. Attack of the Demons

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"Pardon, Princess," I halt her just after she exits the room. "Where are you going, if I may ask?" I inquire politely.

"Err-to the restroom," Princess Seira answers rather hastily, scratching her head. She tries to avoid my gaze.

"If so, I'm obliged to follow and guard you," I say as formally as possible while taking off my helmet.

"Err-yes, sure," Princess Seira mutters uneasily, turning to the left.

"Princess, the restroom is on the right," I point out.

"Ah, right. I forgot. No need to call me Princess, it itches my ear," Princess Seira says.

"I see ... Seira," I murmur.

"Yes, that's better," Princess Seira says.

We stay silent on our way. Princess Seira clearly looks uneasy, occasionally biting her nails or scratching her head.

"Here is the restroom, Seira," I mutter.

It takes a few minutes. Then, all of a sudden...

What is this dark aura!?

I feel something weird. A difficult to explain feeling. Something's... something is wrong here.

Princess Seira has finally finished her business. "I suggest we hurry, Princess," I say politely. She nods slightly.

We are nearby the door when all hell breaks loose. A large energy beam is fired at us.

"Duck!" I shout to Princess Seira. "Blood Shield!"

The shield holds, barely. "Run, Seira!" I shout as the figure, holding a staff and a sword, charges at us.

Princess Seira just sits there, her arms and legs shaking while I struggle to match my foe's monstrous strength. There is, er, yellow liquid leaking from her skirt.

"Princess, with all due respect, staying here will get yourself killed!" I shout as my feet begin to give ground. She complies immediately, although her legs still shake uncontrollably.

"Blood Shockwave!" I shout, knocking the figure back. Her veil is opened. The cold, white-haired young woman quickly gets up. "Vanya's descendant ...."

She tears off her robe, revealing a scanty outfit.

"Blood Prison!" I murmur, enveloping her in a prison of blood.

"Mana Blast!" I hear her say, blasting open my prison.

The sounds of battles are heard inside the room. Clearly, she is not the only one attacking. Sweat falls from my forehead.

This person is so much more stronger than I am. What could I do?

Her eyes glow eeriely, and she leans forward. "Ocular Blast!"

The ceiling is collapsing. I hear the sounds of destruction coming from everywhere.

"Blood Shield!" I murmur, summoning a wide shield to stop the ceiling's collapse.

"Your adventure ends here, young Vonville," the woman says. She leaps toward me.

"Blood Sword!" I shout, summoning a red blade.

"Not good enough to defeat me, the White Witch!" she mocks, kicking me squarely on the chest.

Suddenly, a rain of arrows are fired behind. "Run, Vio! Find and protect Princess Seira. I'll handle her!" my grandma shouts. Her wrinkled face faces the White Witch.

She takes her sword from her walking stick. (Yes, it's apparently acceptable to put a damn sword inside a walking stick. Yes. Totally common.)

"It has been long, my old, foolish teacher," the White Witch hisses. Her eyes glow.

Realms of Magic: Demon InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now