46. Return to Irvine

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"Whoa, so modern," I mutter as I walk through the streets of Levington, one of Irvine's most prosperous city. I glance at the tall skyscrapers, lavish mansions, and magic-powered carts decorated with jewels on the streets.

I walk toward the gigantic building in the center of the city–Plywood Academy.

"Ms Vonville. It's an honor for Plywood Academy to host you," Principal Valeron greets me in his office.

"The feeling is mutual, Principal Valeron. I hope we can work together to the betterment of all in the future," I reply.

Gee. Betterment of all; I will make a decent politician at this rate.

"These are documents that you will need to teach our students, Ms Vonville. Your room is number 288 on the seventh floor; here is the key."

"Room? I didn't know Plywood is a boarding school," I reply as I carefully pick up the key and the documents.

"We can afford to build housing for the staff and students after Queen Seira cut the budget for military and doubled the budget for education," Principal Valeron explains with a smile, "she's such a great queen."

"Very well. I notice that I will be teaching a class in one hour, so please excuse me," I say, my eyebrow almost raising.

"If you require any assistance, feel free to contact me or any of the staff, or perhaps your friend, Ms Greenbell. She's in the duelling courtroom."

"Noted, Principal Valeron." With that in mind, I leave the principal's office. 

"This is stupid!" Aelita loudly complains as soon as I reach the courthouse.

The Twelfth Imperial Guard Division, a proud team of three dedicated to eradicating entities that might threaten Irvine, is now being used by the so-called great Queen Seira in the cleverest and most wise way: send them as academy teachers!

"I can't disagree," I grumble as I watch pitiful academy students attempt to hit each other with fireballs or lightning bolts in Aelita's duelling class.

"What's the name of the academy again?" Aelita grumbles.

"Plywood Academy. It's been six months for you, how could you forget?"

"Haha ... I'm going insane after not battling for a while," Aelita admits, "it's funny, eh? I didn't want this life; I wanted to just be a battle mage and protect my parents during their voyages, but now I'm stuck in this kind of life and I enjoy it."

"I guess," I reply, "anyway, it's my first class now."

"Which class?"

"Class 1C," I reply while pinching my forehead. I have absolutely no expertise or experience in teaching; during the six months period, I was sent to the coast to help bolster defenses–how I wish I can return there.

"Oh, good luck with that class," Aelita grumbles, "I think they brought you here because I have raised the white flag about teaching that class."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Imagine Remi's pride, your easy-to-get-pissed attitude, and Agatha's delinquency combined into one. That's Class 1C," Aelita says.

"Hey, I don't have an easy-to-get-pissed attitude!" I bark.

"Pfft, just got you." Aelita laughs.

"Yeah, you know me better than almost everyone else does," I admit, "anyway, I'm leaving. Good luck with your own class!"

"Take back your good luck. You'll need it," Aelita says as she smirks.

I walk through the stairs adorned with red carpets. "Ah, Ms Vonville. Please take care of yourself," says literally every single teacher I meet halfway through, amplifying my curiousness.

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