33. The Great War

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"Madam Fron!" I gasp. I can't believe her presence.

"I received crucial information from my spies, Charles. I need you to tell the rest of the Order."

The black haired woman's lips curl downwards. An orb is grabbed from beneath her cloak. She gently places it on the wooden table. Her black cloak contrasts with the white walls.

"And there is something I need to say. I met and fought two Empire agents recently," she says.

"The two of them looked as if they had broken themselves from a trance. They were talking about how their King Marengo was actually a rebel who took the throne from some guy called Merango. It was just for a while, though."

My eyes enlarge. "Lady Jessica did something like that, too!" I chip in.

"She did?" Madam Fron's eyes widen.

Mr Charles sighs. "Another problem, as if our manpower isn't stretched enough."

After a tense silence, Mr Charles pockets Madam Fron's orb and my own orb. "Empire is hastening their attack on Toulon, Al-Azhar. They will strike in two weeks," Madam Fron mutters.

"So we'll go there, won't we?" Aelita interrupts.

"That depends on how much of a moron Seira is. Without her permission, Irvine can't do much," Madam Fron grunts.

"Oh well..."

"Al-Azhar is desperate. Their Sultan has issued a bounty for every demon or vampire or undead killed. He has also paid numerous skilled mercenaries to help," Madam Fron says while throwing her signature smirk, "including me."

"I'll join, too, and so will the Twelfth," Mr Charles says as he glances at us. Madam Fron raises a confused eyebrow.

"Agusman is lobbying anything but the kitchen sink to get Queen Seira to declare war. If the invasion fleet is detected, she will surely crumble from pressure."

Madam Fron sighs, "hopefully so."

Madam Fron rises from her cranky chair. "A mercenary should not talk to an ambassador."

We are provided a boat by the old man. We stay as close as possible to Francia's coasts.

Under the starry nights, I love to think about many things; John and Aelita, my grandma, my sister...

For some reason, perhaps a sisterly bond, I could've almost felt that the redhead was Angelita. I hope my instincts are wrong; I hate to think that, one day, I may have to fight her.

And I begin hearing John and Aelita's noises. Yeah, the two lovers have brought their relationship to bed, or, in this case, wooden planks that make up the boat. "Aelita, you're so pretty," John flirts.

Oh, of course they think I'm asleep.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I let my mischievous side take over.

I extend my hand, putting it on Aelita's shoulder. I smirk a little. "Lovers doing their thing, huh?" I whisper softly.

I swear John nearly blasts me with his Divine Judgement. "Oh, er, Vio, er, you're, er, not asleep?" Aelita stutters as she stops kissing her lover.

I grin. "Not exactly."

Our ship finally arrives at Toulon; another excellent reason for me to wake them up. (Can you imagine the scandal if two Imperial Guards are found making love on a damn boat?)

As we arrive under the cover of a moonless night, I light up a torch. Soon an Al-Azhar patrol boat trails us from behind, their green flag with a white crescent rising high.

A significant portion of Al-Azhar's territory is giant swathes of deserts, filled with scorpions, snakes, hermits, and dangerous creatures called Djinns. Allegedly, a tribe of the latter singlehandedly held back the Empire for six months during the previous war, forcing the Lords to intervene directly.

However, it also has greener pastures, most notably nearby the coastline and their northern territory, where their capital, Lavia, is located.

The southern border, where Toulon lies, is green but trees are sparse. Al-Azhar has built a series of forts, magical barriers, and walls to fend off opponents, with Fort Mantua as the key defense and the city of Kut as a supply base.

We are greeted by a small team of soldiers led by a young woman. Honestly speaking, she doesn't look similar to her peers. Wearing a very long and elegant dress, she stares at us sharply.

"Irvine has declared war, hasn't it?" she asks one of the soldiers, her long, black hair with golden stripes waving wildly.

"Yes, Princess Suzuran. They did one hour ago."

The woman, who is apparently Princess Suzuran of Al-Azhar, extends her hand. I instinctively accept it.

"You're officially our allies now." Princess Suzuran smiles. She gestures for us to follow her.

Just a kilometre or so from the shore, the mighty Fort Mantua stands firm. The guards aren't fussy when Princess Suzuran enters.

She leads us to the castle located in the heart of Fort Mantua. Ascending stairs after stairs, we finally reach a massive door. On it the words "Meeting Room" are written.

"Only one among you is allowed entry," Princess Suzuran remarks, "your captain, perhaps?"

John and Aelita silently back off while I trail Princess Suzuran. Inside is a luxurious room. Chairs with golden ornaments, a firm wooden table of the highest quality, and gorgeous lamps decorate the room.

There are many faces filled with tension; some of which I recognise, such as Madam Fron, Mr Charles, and the Sultan, Sultan Rakh. Still, most of them are foreign to me.

It seems like the crowd is separated into three; one for mercenaries, one for Al-Azhar's generals and admirals, as well as the Sultan, and one for diplomats and mages of allied nations.

"Very well," the old Sultan mutters as her daughter, Princess Suzuran, sits next to him. I myself find a seat next to Mr Charles.

"Now our planning can begin in the earnest."

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